Day 251. 114 days and $115 left to go.

I felt it a bit appropriate to revisit this number from Day 190

Day 251 - Before!

Day 251 - Before!

…to celebrate the conclusion of  SHARK WEEK on Discovery!!

Shark Week!!

Shark Week!!

I don’t know about you, but I’m hooked.  Obsessed, if you will.  I always get excited right around this time each August as I am glued to my TV.  Clearly I didn’t have an issue with Jaws growing up.  Sharks don’t scare me.  Clowns, however give me the heebie jeebies. Luckily Discovery doesn’t document this phenomenon.

I know so many of you were on the “Save the Fishes” bandwagon, so I had to listen.  This is what I was l was left with after Day 190 if you recall…

Leftover Fishies!

Leftover Fishies!

My first step today was cutting each little fish off of this leftover fabric.

Trimmed Fishies!

Trimmed Fishies!

Then I got really detailed and trimmed off all the fabric that was around the fish.  Because the fish were embroidered on, I was able to trim right up next to the thread.

Stay in the lines!

Stay in the lines!

For today’s project, I bought a little bit of chain from my favorite craft store around the corner because we’re making an accessory for the neck with the leftovers!!



I took one end of the fish and pulled it through the lowest link on the chain.

Hook, line & sinker!

Hook, line & sinker!

Grabbed some matching thread…

Lakers colors!

Lakers colors!

…and began to hand stitch the chain to the fish one side at a time.

Almost there!

Almost there!

A super fun (and easy!) way to make these fishies work for me.  In the end, it came out looking a little bit like this…

Day 251 - After

Day 251 - After

The perfect little addition and pop of color to my comfy Alternative Apparel T and jeans.

ECU!! (Extreme Close Up!!)

ECU!! (Extreme Close Up!!)

I got to enjoy the evening with some pals as we watched Rent (directed by my fave Neil Patrick Harris)…

Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes!

Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes!

…in the very cool Los Angeles air.



No, seriously, it was freezing out tonight and I kept questioning whether it was really August or not.  Cold hands, drippy nose, multiple sweatshirts?  Kind of ridiculous.



I almost went there and bought one of these bacon wrapped puppies just to stay warm.

Tijuana Dogs!

Tijuana Dogs!

I stayed strong (and cold) and just hustled up a bit more to get the blood flowing as I walked to my car.  I knew I’d regret it later if I indulged!

TGIF!  Happy weekend friends :)

Yay for Shark Week!!  To celebrate the conclusion, I’ve put together a little giveaway complete with some awesome H2O Plus goodies (Sea Marine body butter & sugar scrub and a Sea Clear facial kit), some John Frieda Zero Frizz serum (because you know what the beach and ocean water does to our tresses) along with a fish necklace of your own.  The products will be split up into two little sea packages, so there will be two lucky winners this go!  Let’s find Nemo!

Win Me!!

Win Me!!

Leave a comment below and I’ll pick a winner via on Wednesday, 8/11!!  I don’t discriminate, so no matter where you are (US or Siberia) I’ll send it out your way.

482 responses to “Day 251. 114 days and $115 left to go.

  1. ooh! ooh! pick me! pick me!

  2. Can’t believe I am the first one. Perhaps my Amsterdam timezone has to do with that 😉

    I just started reading and following your blog and you blow me away with your dresses! I am dreaming of getting the ability to see a pretty dress in even the most hideous gowns like you do. Thumbs up!

  3. AAAAH what a winner of a necklace! Ahoyhoy from Australia lovely lady, I need some fabulous fishies to chase away the Melbourne winter gloom so fingers cross I win!

  4. wow, hope you had a great time! The fishies look wonderful, too. 🙂

  5. Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute 🙂

  6. fingers crossed!

  7. Love what you did to the fish 🙂

  8. I absolutely love your blog! I hope you keep going after your 365 days are up. It’s how I start my morning and get my own creative juices flowing!

  9. Wow I’m so jealous you got to see Rent live 🙂

    The fishies look awesome by the way!

  10. I am so glad you saved the fishes! That is a cute necklace. I need one! Love your blog BTW, you sassy sassy gal.

  11. I came across your blog about mid-way through the year and then went back and read through every post. You’ve made some amazing transformations and as soon as I clear out the space to work in, I’m going on the hunt for a dress that needs some attacking with scissors!

  12. Oooh so adorable!

    Your blog is what I wish I could do. You rock!

  13. A friend of mine recently mentioned your blog to me, and I have so enjoyed looking at all your creations! It has inspired me and really gotten my creative juices flowing!

  14. Would have never thought to turn it into a necklace. Worked well.

  15. Me me me!!! I found your blog a few weeks ago, and I follow it rabidly. It’s the highlight of my morning, for real. Thanks for doing what you do!

  16. I just love statement necklaces. And that certainly is one.

  17. You rock my world! Sooooo inspiring! Never thought I’d get so much joy out of rummaging Goodwills for old moo-moos! Why stop at 365?????

  18. WOW! Love the dress and i actually Had ONE JUST LIKE it! I made a pillow out of the bottom with alll the fishes to swim across the bed. I love what you did with it, and that song! “How do you measure. measure a year? …. in cups of coffee.”

  19. Great necklace! 🙂

  20. Love those fishies!

  21. Awesome work as always. I wanna be a winner! I never win…lol

  22. christine hunt

    OMG, so cute!! I have always been fond of fishies, what a great idea! Keep ’em coming!

  23. I love the necklace! Necklaces are my thing!! Pick me please!!

  24. The necklace idea was great. It turned out really well

  25. that’s a really good idea for a necklace, very creative!
    say hi to Brazil =D

  26. This necklace match to Guarujá beach, the place where I live, in Brazil. I’m fingers cross!

  27. So creative!

  28. I love your outfits. I’ve been checking out thrift shops looking for stuff to redo.

  29. that is such an awesome necklace! i’m actually wearing a giant bird around my neck right now, haha! necklaces can inject so much instant fun into an outfit…

  30. I am always happy to see days when you handsew. Not just because of the obvious dangers of the sewing machine (as you experienced), but because of my personal fear / frustration with my sewing machine. Cute idea with the necklace, too!

  31. Fishie necklace! Too cute!

  32. Awesome necklace!! I would have never thought to go there! Your site is so inspirational for my craft addled mind 🙂

  33. Love the necklace!

  34. Oh, that’s adorable! The scrub and body butter sound yummy, too!

  35. I follow you everyday and your awesome ideas always inspire me! Rock on girl!

  36. Great necklace. I’d love to win one of my own. Thanks for thinking up such a fun project and giveaway. Don’t forget to order a sushi delivery for Shark Week viewing.

  37. I love reading your daily updates! I love love love the fish necklace. You are my creative idol.

  38. Ooh, I love the fish necklace!

  39. I am so enjoying your series.

  40. I am loving watching what you create!
    Thanks for the chance to enter.
    Tameeka 🙂

  41. Georgie Porgie

    What are we going to do when you are no longer doing this????????

  42. I think that’s definitely a one of a kind necklace. Perfect for shark week!

  43. So cute!!! You should make more with the other fishes!! 🙂

  44. Wow, so much fun! I love visiting your blog every day. Puts a smile on my face no matter what else is going on. 🙂

  45. I don’t know how you do it- amazing! 🙂

  46. Amazing job! I think it’s great to take something that won’t ever be used again and change it into wearable and chic item of clothing.

  47. I found this blog 2 days ago and was hooked immediately. I myself have accumulated quite a number of chic gowns made from old clothing but I’d never have the perseverance to make one every single day for a year – kudos to you!

  48. You never cease to amaze me! I read your blog daily.

  49. I am so inspired by this project!

  50. oh my gosh! RENT directed by NPH?! that’s awesome! was it a one-night-only thing? i’m so curious who the cast was… i used to be a MAJOR renthead (i saw it like 25 times on stage! AH!).

    thanks for the contest btw! 🙂

  51. You are so creative! Love your blog BTW. It’s one of the only ones I follow religiously.

  52. Alessandra Pinto

    So cute!! I like fishes! 😉

  53. i love NPH!

  54. lol, very cute : )

  55. I have to admit, I was wondering what you were going to do with the fish. All I could think of was leaving them on the fabric but your idea was awesome! That is why you have this site and I do not. 🙂

  56. SO CUTE!

  57. So cute – didn’t see that one coming! You are in inspiration to be creative! 😉

  58. I love love love what you do with all your fashionable creations!! I follow your posts every day. Im in Pennsylvania but get to wake up to your blog every morning 🙂 A sea package ????? oooooo I want one!!

  59. Ooh, pick me! I love what you’re doing and now I need to learn to sew 🙂

  60. I absolutely love all of your ideas! So creative!

  61. Nice work with the fishies! Good to see you using up every little scrap of fabric.

  62. my nephew would be VERY impressed by the nod to the Nemos of the world. You go girl!

    I’d love to be picked:-)

  63. I’m so glad you saved the fishies!! Adorable necklace!!

  64. well, here’s my comment!!!!
    I know your blog from Sew hip! and now it’s an almost daily visit!!!!!! I love what you do and I’m not in Siberia but in Switzerland! 😉

  65. Aw…little fishes put to good use. I’ve got my fingers crossed.

  66. I love it!!! I’m so addicted to your blog. It’s inspired my creativity at home. I’ve been finally motivated to start fixing blemishes in my own clothing and looking at them in a different way.

  67. You are making me want to pick up a needle and thread! I love checking your blog everyday since I recently discovered it.

  68. Cute fish! I’m inspired by your blog to get out there and sew!

  69. awesome prize pack 🙂

  70. I love NPH too! 🙂

  71. My daughters and I read your blog every day (they are 20 and 11). I recently got 2 used sewing machines — I haven’t sewn in over 10 years but you have inspired me to start again, and my daughters want us to check out the local thrift shops for clothes we can re-style. I always used a pattern before, but you make re-styling look so easy — I think I’ll try it !!

  72. How adorable! :3 Very, very cute, and I loved the fish theme. 😀

  73. I costume small theater productions as a hobby, and work for a costume company that does larger plays…I love what you to and am learning a lot!

  74. Looking at your site is one of the things I look forward to every day! So inspiring…thanks!

  75. pick me (randomly)!

  76. I’m participing! (is it even english?!) I’m french!

  77. The necklace is sooo Anthropologie – nice!

  78. Ooooh pick me!

    PS: Your blog is pretty much my favourite 🙂

  79. Came across your blog last week and love it! I may have spent waaay too much time at work going back to see everything you’ve made…

  80. I just went to a mega garage sale yesterday and got a bunch of clothes to reconstruct and make pretty!

    Also you should pick me!

  81. Jennie Lindstrom

    I love your blog! I am always thinking of new ways to refashion my clothes now. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us!

  82. Catarine Menezes

    after reading you blog for about 3 months, salvation army store is the paradise for me. 2 reais (currency in Brazil) shirt becomes a gorgeus piece!

  83. I live in AZ, I haven’t seen a real fish in years!! This is pretty adorable! Love the blog, keep up the great work!

  84. Oh my gosh, I would love one of those fishies!

  85. I’m so happy to see the fishies again! Very cute idea 🙂

  86. So glad you still used the fish from the previous dress. I was telling my daughter the other day. Sniff no fish on the dress. LOL I hope she uses it for something else.
    I so heart me some Neil Patrick Harris.

  87. Great necklace idea!

  88. I love your creativity! I think I might dust off my sewing machine.

  89. I love Shark Week too! Hooray! You rock, please pick me! Woo!

  90. Can’t believe you’re parting with the fishes – but very happy to adopt one for you!

  91. That necklace is fantastic! I love xx

  92. I love to see what you make each day. It brings a smile to my face! You are one talented lady!

  93. Katie Townsend

    Just started following your blog and I LOVE IT!

  94. Neil Patrick Harris? So jealous.

  95. You’re a genius with that fish necklace! I am addicted to your blog!

  96. What a fun way to celebrate Shark Week. Do include me in the drawing!!

  97. Marisa dollface-
    Because of your increasing popularity it’s difficult to get your attention. I understand that you are ‘big time’ and us ‘little folk’ in the fashion blogging world are just lining up to grab at your newly hemmed flirty vintage skirt. Due to that fact please note that the fish necklace is more than appropriate to add to my accessory wardrobe as the ‘little fish’ trying to make it in the fashion writing world. You made that necklace for me- so sweet of you. xx0x0x

  98. Stephanie in AR

    So creative, watching all your projects has been very inspiring.

  99. Fabulous Fishes! Love all your design work, so…entertaining 🙂 TFS!

  100. Love the necklace idea – would never have thought of that! If I win a fishy I promise to feed him and care for him and wear him with pride.

  101. I love ur fish face 🙂 and of course another creative result keep it up!

  102. Super clever way to reuse the fish! Love it!

  103. How clever! Would love to rock a fish necklace!

  104. Genius!

    And I love Rent. I’ve seen it about a billion times. Good stuff!

  105. Nice neckpiece. I’ve been inspired by you to “reclaim” clothing items and create clothes for my granddaughters- not one a week, though. Visit and take a look! the first one is up and # 2 is closed to being finished. (Oddly, I will be using cut out fish applique on a baby bib later today! Wish I had your embroidered ones- mine are just printed fabric.)

  106. My crazy curly hair could sure use the serum! haha!
    Thanks for a cute giveaway – I really enjoy your site 🙂

  107. Christina Pinto

    I love shark week!! What a cute tribute to the Discovery Channel phenomenon! Love it!

  108. You are so creative! I definitely want to go over my clothes and see want I can do to re-create them now! Keep it up!

  109. oooh! PICK ME!!!

  110. Pick me! I love it!

  111. You wont believe it, but my daughter is doing somenthing very similar with a crocodile. It is so amazing…We are all conected, wow!!!
    Love, love the fish, and I think that you are a real inspiration to many people.

  112. Nice! love the fishies! 😀

  113. My 11 year old daughter LOVES making Jewelry and you’ve inspired her on this one! My older daughter (14) has already been re-doing her Thrift Store finds. Your Blog has been a JOY to read! We love it!

  114. awesome giveaway!!

  115. What a nice giveaway! Thanks for sharing. And just want you to know that you have inspired me to refashion my own items. I love it! Thanks again!

  116. Celebrating shark week with a fishy necklace – that’s originality at its best!!

  117. You really inspire me!

  118. I too have been revisiting my box of “to be fixed” clothing and going a bit more drastic with some of the pieces after reading your blog.

  119. Your blog is such an inspiration! I love the fishy necklace and all the cute cute dresses you’ve made.

  120. i love this! each day continues to inspire me 😀

  121. I’ve so been hoping you’d do an accessory! Love the whimsical fishy-ness of it all.

  122. Now THAT’S a statement necklace!!! Love it!!

  123. okay you are my new favorite blogger!!!! Awesome creations!! You have inspired me greatly!

  124. Pick me please!

  125. Reading your blog has inspired me to get my sewing machine out of storage. I am currently working on making my own flannel baby wipes. (No more ‘sposies!!)
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  126. I’ve been totally inspired by you blog and attacked my mending pile with a vengeance. but that doesn’t mean i couldn’t also benefit from a cuuuuuute fish necklace, too!

  127. I love how you always take things that I cringe when I see them in thrift stores and turn them into beautiful fashionable things to wear!!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  128. LOVE the necklace. I did a similar project a few months ago with cloth flowers. So I think it would only be fitting if I had a “matching” sea creature to go with it, dont you? so pick ME!

  129. I love the necklace. Such an unexpected use for an old dress.

  130. I’ve been following the site for a couple months now and have been getting friends hooked, too. Love that you saved the fish!

  131. You are so creative! I love it!!

  132. LOVE the fish! We’re doing an underwater theme for my son’s birthday and it’d be perfect for me to wear!

  133. You have a fantastic talent! Pick me! I miss my L.A. home

  134. Eeek! I love this post & your creative outfit! I’ll be keeping my little fingers crossed that the random number generator picks ME!!!


  135. Love the fish necklace!

  136. you my friend are so freakin crafty! I love checking out your site every day, getting more and more inspired, wanting desperately to buy a sewing machine but terrified of the possibilities! Love you! Keep it up!

  137. love the necklace, please pick me!

  138. A necklace! What a great creative alternative! I love it. You guys are always doing such fun things seems like every evening. I am also dreaming of your cool weather!

  139. As a former California girl myself (Ventura Co.!), it would wonderful to win all these “beachy” items. I miss those beaches!
    BTW, your daily posts are so entertaining! LOVE.

  140. Love the crazy fish colors! what a great idea. btw – you have inspired me to re-design some of my old clothes and give them new life, so thanks 🙂

  141. I love what you did with the fish! 🙂

  142. Such a creative idea! Very inspiring!

  143. I love your blog! The fish appliqué necklace is so Anthropologie! I love it!

  144. I love the fishies! You are very creative and I look forward to coming back to your blog every day to see what you have in store.

  145. Again you amaze me with your creativity.

  146. Shark week rules!!! So does that little fishy!

  147. amanda christina

    this is cute! i love fabric/embroidered necklaces!

  148. I lurve that fish necklace! It is totally something I would own. 🙂 Props to you for being so uber creative.

  149. LOVE. I want a Nemo! 🙂

    I never cease to be amazed at your creative ideas, incredible sewing skills, and fabulous results! Keep it up!

  150. Hooray for shark week! Definitely the kind of occasion that deserves it’s own one-of-a-kind necklace. cute.

  151. crossing my fingers!!!

  152. Very cute and creative! I was stuck on Shark Week, too… I don’t think anything could keep me out of the ocean 🙂

  153. Love the fish! Your blog inspires me to think outside the box 🙂

  154. I LOVE the necklace! So adorable, and yet also kind of funky and neat. I really like how you salvaged the fishies!

    Also: I really enjoy your giveaway. Very thematically appropriate.

  155. Awww how exciting! I love the necklace you made. 🙂


  156. I love your fishy necklace! Plus I’m super jealous of you going to see the rent showing at the bowl.

  157. Oh fun giveaway! Love the necklace too!

  158. I really love your blog…I only discovered it a few days ago and have devoured all of the photos! You are so creative! Your blog inspired me to take out a shirt that I bought cheap from Rue 21 and make some changes. The outcome was so exciting! I was able to use a broach my grandmother gave that really brought the new shirt together! Keep it up girl, you’re work is awesome!

  159. Your blog is so inspiring! I love that you made necklaces with the fish!

  160. This is sooo cute! I love your blog! 🙂

  161. I love the fishies! Brilliant. You are really inspiring me to rework some of the not-quite-right clothes in my closet.

  162. That’s the cutest necklace I’ve ever seen, and most necklaces aren’t ‘cute’, lol.
    You are so creative (:

  163. rad, I love sharks

  164. Hooray for the fishies!

  165. A hello from Brazil!

  166. kathy raess-young

    Thank you for taking some of the fuglyest clothing and making them beautiful. You rock!

  167. Great necklace! Love that you’re repurposing the leftovers!!! :0)

  168. Absolutely love your blog. Would love to be picked!

  169. I heart the fish necklace, must have!

  170. LOVE how you used the fish for the necklace. I check your blog often – you’re so creative.

  171. Really inspiring – I am now encouraged to buy these oversized dresses made of pretty fabric from the charity shops and turn them into something new.

    Thanks for sharing!

  172. yay fishies!

  173. Love your blog and can’t wait to see what you come up with every day. You are one creative lady! Please include my name in the hat for your give-away.

  174. Yay! I’m in, thanks!

  175. This is such a cool idea! I just found you the other day on Time’s website.

  176. The colors in your fishy are so adorable 🙂

  177. you have really made me look at stuff in a different way, i have been doing things with my clothes that i have never thought about, and now i am not scared to rip it all apart and make some thing new, thank you.

  178. Very cool!!!

  179. You are an inspiration.

  180. Your creativity has done wonders in jump-starting my own, thanks!

  181. This is a great idea for making fabric bib necklaces.

  182. Hello from Portugal!
    Love your blog!!

  183. LOVE YOUR SITE! Hope I win!!!!!!!!!!!

  184. Hey.. I’m from Brazil and I just LOVE NDAD!!!
    Loved the idea of doing it.. and I’m loving the surprise!! I really want that Fish Necklace, I think It goes perfeclty with our weather down here.
    Crossing my fingerssss!!! xoxo

  185. ❤ the fish! 🙂

  186. Just found your site the other day and went through all the archives. The stuff you do is amazing!

  187. I’m loving your blog, especially now that I’m unemployed myself and am looking for a job and an outlet for my energy. My sewing machine is begging for some love and wants a fish necklace for inspiration!

  188. You are awesome. So creative. I love your finished pieces.

  189. Your creativity is very inspiring. I brought home a bargain dress yesterday and showed it to my daughter…She said “You’ve been reading that blog again, haven’t you!” haha, yes

  190. Oooh, my 4 year old is hooked on shark week. I keep telling my husband that might not be the smartest thing, but it’s a boy bonding thing or something…

    PS – love the necklace 🙂

  191. dragonflywoman

    Cute necklace!

  192. *Love the blog I drop in each day! I have been inspired by your creative ‘challenges’ and have acquired a few items ready to make wearable over the summer hols here in Devon 🙂

  193. I love this site! I look at it everyday! I hope I win.

  194. Brittany Prewitt

    Did you see that they named Floridas east coast the deadliest swimin’ waters in the whole wide world!!? Crazy huh, especially since when I turn my head to the right, I’m looking at the Atlantic Ocean. Yep, right outside my bedroom window, are big, scary SHARKS! But actually they dont scare me at all, However…not winning that adorable fishy necklace & scrub~a~dubs does…So pick me purty please!! =)
    Ps..LOVE everything you touch!

  195. Love everything you d and I check back almost daily to see your new creations! Keep up the great work!

  196. Your blog has become an inspiration for me! I’m ready to tackle some adult clothes for a change. Thanks.

  197. Yay shark week! (and RENT). Love the blog!

  198. Love love love the fishies!

  199. Stated following your blog after the Bust write up.

    Love to see what you come up with! Some of the dresses I really want.

    These necklaces are adorable too.

  200. Love the blog. Love the fashion. Love the creativity. Keep it up!!

  201. I love everything you do! It’s inspired me to rummage through my closet and fix up some old stuff.

  202. I just found your blog and I’m loving it! So fun and creative! 🙂

  203. I love the necklace! I live in Rio and it tottally goes fine in here.

  204. Hey girl! I love your today’s creation – it’s a very cool and funny way to make an old fashioned fish become a trendy one!! Love it!!!
    And also love the gifts… hope I’m lucky today!!
    Kisses from Brazil :))

  205. That fish necklace is amazing !!!!
    I love shark week too.
    I would so love to win the yah shark week giveaway.

  206. Love the fishies! Count me in. 🙂

  207. I looove your blog and have been checking it daily since I found it! Your hard work and creativity are inspiring, so thanks. 🙂

  208. Love the creativity!=)

  209. Very creative. I’ll bet the Japanese haven’t seen anything quite like it. 😉

  210. Great use of the fish, I was wondering if they’d ever re-appear!

  211. Fishies!

    (Does the first comment usually set the tone for others? o_O )

  212. I want a fishy of my own!

    Love your blog!

  213. Ha ha, I love the fish necklace! Also love the gifts…

  214. this is a great way to celebrate! i’m always amazed by the transformations you do!

  215. Id love to win Mr Fishie..and the other cool goodies!!!!

    meterr70 at gmail (dot) com

  216. such a fun fish…unlike sharks…they are not fun fish. Sharks are scary fish! 🙂

  217. Thanks for posting all your awesome creations! You are so inspiring when you dig into these rags and transform them into gems!

  218. I would love a fishie necklace. 🙂

  219. the fish necklaces are ADORABLE! ❤

  220. So Awesome! I love the affect Shark Week has on people. Also SUPER jealous you got to watch Rent directed by NPH. So so jealous. –Kelsey

  221. Awesome design yet again!

  222. I am seriously in love with your project, This is the first blog I read everyday. I am a fan girl.

  223. The fishies are sooo cute!

  224. Cool! Great necklace! (and, um… those Tijuana dogs sound delish!)

  225. Love your blog! Kisses from Brazil

  226. awesome!!! quirky, i love it!

  227. ooooh i hope i win!

  228. oo ooo i hope i win!

  229. haha i just noticed that i posted pretty much the exact same thing as the person above me.. funny!

  230. Very cool necklace — I’m always so impressed by your creativity!

  231. well, maybe this is my lucky chance! 😀

  232. good luck to evone!!!!!!
    i’m still following your blog
    cool stuff all the time 😉
    gaby (mexico)

  233. My daughters and I have been glued on Shark Week. We even made plans to go to the aquarium next week. 🙂 We loves us some fishes.

  234. Me, me, me, me!!! Love the fishie! This will be perfect for my upcoming trip to Litchfield, SC.

  235. Woo hoo no friz!

  236. pick me! pick me! please:)

  237. Your blog has inspired me! I will never look at clothing the same way again, and I credit you with the new sweater I’m about to “make” DD1 for her Hallowe’en costume. Without you it never would have occurred to me to buy a men’s Large sweater for a 13 y/o. Thank you!

  238. Why are you so creative? Just curious.

  239. i’ll leave a comment to try and win!

    i should have done some shark-week-themed dishes this week, but i didn’t. oops!

    ps: what did you think of ali’s final choice?!?

  240. Cute necklace!

  241. you rocked this (as usual)!!! I SO enjoy reading you EVERY day!!!! …xxoo

  242. I love the necklace! And most of what you make really!!!! I totally drove past the Hollywood Bowl today and thought about you too! One obsessive fan? Check!

  243. Ohhh Pick me! =)

  244. i would totally love to win this 🙂 you have a very interesting blog.. i love looking to see what’s next. 🙂 i love to sew 🙂

  245. What a great idea for a necklace!

  246. You have out done yourself once again. Your knack for seeing beauty in things is truly a gift.

  247. Woohooo! Love fishies…

  248. Today I drove past the Hollywood Bowl ( I’m visiting my mom in LA this week), and was wondering, do you park or walk to the Hollywood Bowl, because man if you drove it would take hours to get out of the parking lot.

  249. your fish necklace is damn cute!
    you have a fabulous talent of taking random things and making them look good!
    go you!

  250. I want to win! Pick me! Thanks for posting every day!!!

  251. Well, the song from Rent has replaced “Come On Eileen” in my head. I think that’s a positive thing. I found myself talking up your blog to a retiree on a tour boat in Alaska a couple weeks ago. I hope that generation loves you as much as your own!

  252. Creativity at it’s best. You inspire all of us with taste for fashion and style. Your skillful and engaging writing style is something to behold.

  253. I am IN LOVE with that necklace!!! I have to have it!!!

  254. Dear, Please pick me! p.s. I love you!

  255. Awesome fish necklace! I’m so jealous you saw Rent!
    I’d love to win!

  256. I thought that you woul do a pillow, so the necklace was a total surprise, a great one!
    My brother hated clowns, as a child, and my daugter doesn’t like them either! I never liked men dress up like gorilas (I think that’s the reason I didn’t like the original ‘Planet of apes’ and didn’t see the new one). It’s hot, around here, always around 40º c in day light and not less 35/36º c in the night. And fires, lot of them! 😦

  257. I love the creativity of this necklace! And all the fab garb you making! Keep it up! x Aniko from London

  258. Hmm statistics are kind of against me at this point..
    However, I don’t care much for the products, but that fish will be totally perfect to add to my wardrobe..
    Any chance you’ll part with the remaining fishies?

  259. that is very clever!! i do love the necklace. 🙂

  260. Really awesome necklace! I was really excited to see something diferent from you and with leftovers (I always wondered what did you do with them!). 😉
    I’m starting to learn how to sew, making little projects, and I always save every single fabric piece I find, even old clothes.
    I’m tempted to try out and make clothes for myself and your blog is one of the reasons why I want to try it. 🙂
    Best of luck for you to reach your goal and continue amazing us!

  261. Don’t pick me, it’ll cost to send to the UK but wanted to post as it’s lovely to hear from your subscribers and how you have inspired them! Keep up the good work xxxx

  262. Love this necklace creation of yours…definitely off the beaten trail of ideas. Your blob is great and is a must view for me everyday…Thanks for sharing and thanks for inspiring!

  263. Love your site, came across you about a month ago and have gone back through from the begining. I can’t believe some of the creative ideas you have. So inspiring.

  264. I’ve been following you since day 20!
    It’s amazing what you’re doing, the first thing I do when I open the internet is.
    1) Check facebook
    2) Check newdressaday, it’s addictive.
    If only I had the skills you have!
    keep it up!

  265. Adorable necklace! I’d love one of my own….and of course, you can never have enough frizz control products.

  266. LOVE your blog!! way more fun to follow than Project Runway. I think the fish necklace is super cute and creative.

  267. If it’s not to late, I’d like to put my name in for the drawing.

    Very cute and clever!

  268. I would have loved to see Rent with NPH!!
    Your creations are always so amazing!

  269. Crossing my fingers!

  270. blub blub, that fish is funny!

  271. Love shark week too! Keeping my fingers crossed! Love you blog!

  272. I would never have thought to turn it into a necklace! Which is why I read this blog and don’t write it. Good work! And… pick me! 🙂

  273. How fun! I love checking my google reader to see what each day will bring.

  274. Loving the look!

  275. Look at all the comments! You’re a thifting rock star! Congrats 🙂 very cute, didn’t see the necklace coming.

  276. Love it! Be happy to win any of that pile!

  277. the fishies are adorable! your blog just adds a little joy to my day – thanks for all the inspiration! i hope this project takes you fabulous places 🙂

  278. I just got into making some funky jewelry myself. Love the fishy!

  279. oooh… i Love it. first, way to go on the creative necklace.
    second… i live in arizona. we hardly ever see the fish so please send them my way!! pick me pick me! 🙂

  280. robinsonhomesweethome

    Ha, love the necklace idea! I’d love to win!

  281. I love fishes! I love necklaces! I love Rent! and I love your blog!

  282. LOVE! That necklace is such a cute and clever way to take advantage of the dress details!!!! I’m so inspired!

  283. Hah, that’s a really cute idea!

  284. Alison Elizabeth

    looove that necklace. I may have to attempt to replicate it with some fabric scraps of my own!

  285. Please pick this Pennsylvanian who oh so loves your blog very much so! 🙂 Your just fab!

  286. Shark Week is awesome.

  287. What a generous giveaway!! And what a fab way to use that cute fishy!! 🙂

  288. I would never have thought to make a necklace out of a piece of clothing. I will never look at clothes the same way again. Thank you!

  289. So totally in love with the necklace!

  290. Been following your blog for a couple of months now, luv your creativity!
    I luv all things OCEAN, thanks.

  291. I am so jealous that you got to see Rent at the Hollywood Bowl! and the fish necklace is to die for, I’d love a little fish buddy!!

  292. sweet goodies giveaway!
    (and thanks for shipping outside the USA!)

  293. You’re seriously awesome!

  294. I just LOVE your blog! Very inspiring! Post 250 is my most favorite yet. Can’t wait what you have left to show us!

  295. cool blog!

  296. Love your blog! Such a great idea! 🙂

  297. Great giveaway and love the fish necklace. It turned out really cute. That would be a great DIY project to try.

  298. Please enter me in to win – love your blog!

  299. Shark week yes! Your blog is fantastic! Thanks so much for sticking with it!

  300. No beach holiday for me this year, alas 😦 . But a little fishie sea package would soften the sorrow!


  301. ooh those look fabulous!

  302. love the idea! i totally want to make one! thanks for the inspiration.

  303. I say any time is a good time for Tijuana dogs. 😛

  304. I do love the little fishie!

  305. Hi!
    I love your blog. It’s an inspiration for me, always.
    I already talked about you and your blog, please see:
    My name is Marisol and I’m from Brazil!

  306. Yay Shark Week! Just discovered your website. How very fun and creative – makes me want to grab a seam ripper and get to work! Looking forward to your future posts!

  307. LOVE IT! Remember to live EVERY WEEK LIKE IT’S SHARK WEEK! 🙂

  308. My sister just sent me your website a couple of days ago (so I’m a little tardy on this bandwagon), but what a fantastic idea! In my ex-hometown of Juneau, Alaska, there’s a Wearable Art fest where people make clothing out of just about anything. Last year, there were dresses made out of: beer bottlecaps, paint sample squares, milk jugs and caps, wood, and Sarah Palin’s autobiography, among other things.

    But most of those outfits can’t be worn out and about. I love your vibe–very stylish and fashion forward, eco-conscious and frugal. A project of the recession indeed.

  309. Cute and clever my favourite combo!

  310. I’m so inspired by your blog. I live only 200 metres from an op-shop so I’m looking forward to re-inventing some of the clothes in there.
    Also, would love to win the fishy necklace.

  311. Am. Insprired. !.

  312. Hello friend!
    I’m from Brazil and I follow your blog and think its fantastic ideas! And this idea of the necklace is actually very interesting. Even I am preparing a post on my blog about their dresses and their creativity.
    If I win I’ll be super happy!
    Big kiss!

    Luciana Oliveira

  313. thats gorgeous! im going try it now. This is my new favorite 🙂

  314. Gretchen Barrett

    So glad I found your blog..I’m now a big fan! I think you’ve inspired me to get creative and cruise local thrift shoppes for some inexpensive clothes that I can turn into something trendy!

  315. Oh I have curly hair and would enjoy trying a new product to do away with the frizzies! Florida means loads of humidity, so I am always battling the frizz monster!

    We are also enjoying shark week and to kick it off there have been 2 shark bites nearby! One in our area Jacksonville Beach and the other just south of us at a beach we also like to frequent Michaler’s Landing because it’s great place to find sharks teeth and baby sanddollars!

  316. Love your blog! Would love a fishy!

  317. I saw Rent too! Amazing! Great inspiration! 🙂

  318. What a fun giveaway! Love the fish necklace idea, too cute.

  319. Jayne Robertson

    Hi Marisa,
    Love your blog. You have inspired me to learn to sew! I just wish it was summer here in Adelaide, Australia too. Seeing you in all those awesome dresses make winter feel even longer.

  320. I ssoooooo need this in my life!

    katy (dot) mallory (at)

  321. oh wow- dear lordy- 300 humdred some comments- hope i’m not lost in the mix!!! 🙂 i like the fishy best when he is tilted jsut a tad.. so it looks like he’s swimming up. 🙂 hope i win! 🙂 ehehhe

  322. Love the necklace! I have been following you for months and you have inspired me to attack more stuff from my local value city. FUN! I have to say I love what you have done! ❤ Keep up the good work!

  323. Oh, I hope I don’t get lost in this pile of comments. I love your blog and get so much inspiration for my own thrifted redos. I am a former LA girl who is out in the sticks of Northern Idaho. Fun to see your adventures in my old stomping grounds 😛

  324. Stumbled across your blog about a month ago. What I would like to know is how long you have been sewing, and how long it takes you per each item to customize it. Do you actually shop every day, or do you shop once a week?

    Just started sewing in the last couple of weeks. Love the fish necklace. Thanks for the inspiration!

  325. Sooo cute! There are a lot of comments on here! As always, I love your website! Everyone good luck on the giveaway!

  326. I love the blog. I’m a new a really basic sewer and you’ve inspired me to try something more daring!

  327. ohhh! So nice of you to share!

  328. I’m from Illinois, a friend from California I met here in New Zealand got me onto your blog, and I’ve shared it with friends in Wellington. Keep writin’ and sewin’ and doing contests!

  329. I’ve never commented before but I’ve been watching your ah-mazing creations for over a month now. I’m quite impressed. Keep up the good work!

  330. I am in too!!! Incredible idea!

  331. What a statement that necklace!

    Mememememe pickme!

  332. What a cool necklace! Here’s hoping I win…. =]

  333. Yay competition! Love this and your blog 🙂

  334. I love this blog!

  335. That is so adorable! I’m sad with how much they’re getting into the bite stories lately. Whenever I went to turn Shark Week on it wasn’t really about sharks. I don’t get creeped out by them…but crickets and grasshoppers scare the sh*t out of me. I’ll never understand myself sometimes.

  336. Rent, directed by NPH?!?! Oh man, that’s so cool, I wish I could see! One of my favorite musicals and favorite actors!

  337. The fish necklace is so cute! My youngest daughter has been watching Shark Week on DVD. We have to make sure her sister is out of the room; she can’t stand sharks (because they eat her favorite dolphins!)

  338. I love the necklace! I’m on a self-imposed clothes shopping ban at the moment (not bought new for about 2 years – my wedding dress was original 40’s and am even trying to steer clear of thrift stores at the moment), but am still keeping my eyes open for fabulous accessories to refresh my wardrobe and get me to wear the 70% that I haven’t been wearing! Am going to be re-fashioning a fair bit of it too, so thanks for the daily inspiration – I love it! x

  339. I love shark week too!!! I am actually a little sad because we only have like 6 channels at home, and I am ready to pay for cable or something just so i can have the discovery channel back in my life!

  340. I used to that kind of things back in college. Your blog reminds me of that time. Good work!

  341. I found your blog about a month ago and I love coming back to see what you have done with your outfits! You have got me taking a second look at the clothes I don’t think I want anymore, now I just change ’em up! Thanks for the contest!

  342. I am so glad you “Save(d) the Fish!” to make this cute summery necklace. Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway!

  343. I just LOVE reading about your “creations” everyday! You’ve inspired me to finally start doing some of my own creating as well. Thanks!!

  344. Your necklace is so cute! Of course, everything you make is cute! Keep up the good work. 🙂

  345. I LOVe you website, I look forward to checking it every morning!

  346. Ahh the long awaited return of the fishies. You’ve been so good to them. It must be time to send Nemo back to Aus. He’ll be very happy here!

  347. LOVE the fish necklace – I want it! 🙂 Love your blog… you have an incredible talent! It inspires me!


  349. Love the fishy necklace. 😉

  350. I love what you have been doing!!!

    I would love love to get one of those fishy necklaces!!!

  351. This is so awesome. I love your talent. You can take anything and turn it into something hip for anyone to use nowadays. I need to start doing stuff like this, I own a sawing machine, just need some practice. I’ve only seen your site on my iPhone, I’m sure on my laptop It will look way much better.
    This is a page to add to your favorites..most deffinetly!

  352. Very cool necklace! I love your imagination, as well as your charlotte dress. My fave yet 🙂

  353. The necklace is very cute. I wouldn never think to do something like this. You’re so talented.

  354. That necklace is fantastic! I love too (2)


  355. that’s adorable! 🙂

  356. Cool project, thanks for sharing the fun.

  357. What an awesome idea! Never woulda thunk it! Happy Shark week!

  358. Love the fish, too cute!

  359. Love the giveaways! Where do you find time to do so much sewing??

    want the fishy 🙂

  361. YAY! For save the fish 🙂 I don’t think you’re the only one that would run from Clown Week!

  362. Love the blog, love the fish necklaces!

  363. Cute idea with the necklace. And love your blog; very inspiring!

  364. This is the most creative thing I’ve seen in a very long time and I’m obsessed! I’m definitely going to learn how to sew better so I can do this. Hope I win that cute fishy necklace! :o)

  365. How fun!

  366. I love this website! I follow it everyday and I hope to be able to do this to some of my own finds at some point! You rock!

  367. Please sign me up for the contest – I would love to have a necklace!

  368. You are ingenious!!!!

  369. Where do you find all these dresses to start with? My local thrift shops are uninspiring at best, plain and beige at worst!
    Keep up the good work!

  370. Having so much fun watching your transformations everyday. Keep on stitchin!!

  371. Love your blog, I check it out everyday! Hope I win 🙂

  372. From Holland. Love – love!- your website; count me in for your give away.

  373. Elizabeth Laposata

    What a great use for the fish! Your blog has inspired me to hack into some old cheap dresses i got years ago. Thank you so much.

  374. You are a genius, I love your blog!

  375. Marisa, you are so inspiring, as always. I love that you find a way to use almost all of a piece of clothing to create new things. Genius!

    Oh, and I thought bacon-wrapped hot dogs were a clever myth my friend in LA made up…heart attack city, here I come.

  376. me! me! me!

    That necklace is too cute. Did you watch Shark Survival Guide? My boyfriend worked on that one! 🙂

  377. I have to admit, my heart ached just a bit when you cut off the muumuu fishies on day 190. But I am ecstatic about what you’ve done with them! It looks awesome! Please, pick me!

  378. Love the necklace!

  379. i love your work. very inspiring!

  380. I love that you have started showing more involving the steps you take to get your finished product. I recently found your site and I have gone back over the beginning posts and along the way you have gotten to where you show your steps! It’s awesome! Your work is inspiring!

  381. Heard about your blog from a friend, and I love reading your posts each day. I’m watching Shark week as I type this…. So creative!

  382. woo! fishies! 🙂
    this is my first comment to you, though i’ve been keeping up for a while. you are the shiz!

  383. I don’t care if I win or not (although winning is certainly fun!) but I wanted to tell you how much I love your blog and how simple you’ve made it all seem when I know it has to be more time-consuming than it seems. Hope you have held on to some of your scraps…they are certainly colorful and would make a good quilt to finish off your dress-a-day project. Love it!

  384. n.p.h. is one of my favorites. i bet the show was awesome.
    and, super cool giveaway!

  385. ME! ME! ME!

    Yep, I’m greedy for a free stuff. I’ll admit it.

  386. I too love shark week! And reamain in awe of your mad sewing skills!

  387. Oooh, so excited – so cute! Thanks !!

  388. So creative! You’ve inspired me 🙂

  389. pick me pick me pick me! i totally want to rock this at my 20 year high scool reunion at the end of the month to show that even heading towards 40 i hav style!

  390. I can’t believe that I hadn’t seen your blog earlier, but it made my day today! Maybe I’ll learn to sew so I can tailor my own clothes 🙂
    Count me in for the giveaway!

  391. I happen to come across this site from CNN and now I am hooked. You are just a wonderful and creative dress maker and kudos for all your designs!!! Great talent on a dollar a day.
    I love the fish necklaces, unique and just adorable. They would go really well with my blue skirt and top.
    From a canadian who has been inspired by you, I hope I get picked for the price. If not, I will still be your faithful fan checking every day for another wonderful orginal design.

  392. Hi, I absolutely love your blog, it’s an inspiration to us all! I only wish I could have found it sooner as it would have defiantly helped me with my University course and environmentally recyclable textiles essays. Thank you, Harriet.

  393. I love that fish necklace and your website! 🙂

  394. I’m reading late, but I hope I count.

  395. Love reading your blog. Have also posted and recommended on twitter to friends!!

  396. love seeing what you’re wearing each day 🙂 thanks for the contest.

  397. love the fishy’s!!

  398. I love your blog! It makes me wish that I was handy with a pair of scissors, but alas, I am not.

  399. I want ittttt!!!

  400. SOOOOOO dig the necklace. It’s brilliant. (I would like to think I would’ve come up with it myself, but probably not…)
    And, must say, keep up the good work. I am pleased to say I started following you at almost the beginning and love all the inspiration I see!


  401. Two things about this blog that i love is…
    1. the amazing way you turn trash to treasure
    2. the amazing activites you participate in

    very creative and very unique!
    best wishes.

  402. I love your blog!

  403. yay! I’m glad to see those fishies make a return appearance 🙂

  404. Very cute – love the fish necklace!

  405. I speak whale! Very cute necklace! I love that you are doing all this; it is great!

  406. I love your site! What an awesome idea. Plus, I love the necklace; be my friend today!

  407. I love your skill to turn the most “dumpy” to most darling!!!!

  408. I’m in Florida, so an excellent candidate for your beach package! And I love the blog. LOVE it! My sewing machine’s been broken since I discovered it, but you definitely give me the itch to hit the thrift store and work out some designs!

  409. I´m in Brazil and i Want it.

  410. Michelle Francis

    Truly wonderful!!! A work colleague who reworked an old skirt told me about your blog, I just love it. what fun, what drive, what an inspiration. I’m Ottawa, Canada and having a great time going through what you’ve done so far!!!


  411. I work at Discovery – aka inside the inflatable shark! I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time now so I thought it was awesome that you posted about shark week!

  412. seriously this is so stinkin cute and innovative.

  413. B”H
    I aspire to be a fashionista and you are SO inspiring!

    Thanks for the daily dose of AWESOME.


  414. I just had to catch up on about 4 days, and look what I almost missed, a giveaway! But, whew, I made it. Great job on another throwback, throwback! don’t you love seeing the numbers for your money and days left, flip flop, i do! 🙂

  415. Love the necklace! You are so inspiring! I have 4 dresses that I got from the local thrift store that are waiting an update.

  416. Pick me!!! I love this blog!!! and I’m from Brazil!!!! \o/

  417. Love your blog! Hope the little man in control at likes my number 🙂

  418. i love your stick-to-it-ness! I can’t imagine doing any kind of project a day, no matter how much i enjoy it!

  419. too fun! my girls (and I, of course) would love this!

  420. i don’t think i have a chance in hell to win…but i have been wanting to comment that i am obsessed with this blog as you are with shark week…and the more i read it, the more i keep telling myself i need to take sewing machine classes as i have one sitting in my closet now and have no clue how to use!!!

  421. (Done with my best fishy face) >I< You inspire me!!! Bubble, Bubble, Bubble……

  422. that is an awesome fishy necklace, love crazy necklaces!!!

  423. I love fish!! I would totally wear that to work too. And a little pampering certainly never hurt anyone. 🙂

  424. LOVE seeing your new outfit each day!!! So creative and so much fun! Kudos to you chica!

  425. I just love reading your blog. I love how you see the treasure within.

  426. Absolutely love this necklace! 🙂

  427. You are so very creative!!! Where do you find the time? Can”t wait to see what’s next!

  428. I love your blog, it’s inspired me to really start sewing again! Love the fish necklace, super cute…. 🙂

  429. great as always. I’m curious.. what is very cold to you? 🙂 The bacon wrap lady didn’t look cold. 😉

  430. I love these fish necklaces!!!! I am really learning a lot from your blog and am thinking up different ways to alter clothes I already have for me and the kids!

  431. this nemo is MINE! i can feel it!

    prepare yourself, nemo, you’re coming to BRAZIL!

  432. Love what you’re doing with this entire concept!!! There is so much consumerism in this part of the world today, and I think your approach to recycling is just what we need right now…Why buy new from a chain store when you can create your own personalized wardrobe?

    I would be both proud and humbled to wear one of your fish creations as a testament to the Gulf Disaster and as a tribute to sustainable living…

  433. Great idea. You really have a talent to give clothing a second chance.

  434. your work inspires me, keep it going! oh and cute NEMO is my favorite character after oscar the grouch!

  435. Nemo, you’re flying, errr, swimming to dublin!
    i’m a big fan of yours, and i’ll be very proud to wear Nemo to remind myself to be fab and recycle. ♥

  436. I love random stuff

  437. mariah mcconnaughey

    Wow – great work – I love it! and love how many people you are inspiring – I am convinced I need a sewing machine ASAP! Keep at it!

  438. Ho ^^
    It’s so funny !

  439. I so enjoy checking out your latest creation each morning. Whenever I have tried a recon, I just end up with scraps!

  440. Great Idea !!!
    But, and the dress ? no dress ? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    and the other figures ? rsrsrrsrs

  441. Completely adorable! Me please!

  442. just caught up… love it AND you!!
    xo j

  443. Super cute little number you got there.

  444. cute necklace!

  445. that fish is soo cute! love your site and your creativity is just RIDICULOUS. wish you could show me some sewing tips and tricks.

  446. A friend sent me your link…..and I have passed it on to others! You give all of us great ideas for re-purposing items we may have just thrown away or overlooked……great job!!

  447. I was super excited for Shark week as well! Sweet necklace!

  448. Love your site and love your necklace! I visit your site first thing every morning and it inspires me to also look for clothes to refashion! It’s great that you inspire so many. Fantastic job!

  449. fingers, toes, and um… i don’t know what else crossed!

  450. So cool!

  451. Those necklaces are so cute! I’d like to win it please! Daisy Dayz Home

  452. I found your cool blog through Yahoo! Lovely idea and thanks for the giveaway!

  453. You are too cute! Rock on girl!!!

  454. I love love love this necklace! ❤ It is gorgeous!!!!!

  455. Just joining in but love ur blog and totally subscribed pick me!!

  456. After looking through a couple weeks worth of photos and updates, there seems to be a major pattern. I hate to say it, but after a little bit, all your “new creations” begin to look the same. All you do is save or slightly alter the neck. Turn long sleaves into short sleaves, cut longer skirts into skirts a few inches above the knee, maybe add a belt from same material. Consider done. Yes, I know that is still a lot of work. But after a while, they all look the same, and show very little creativity. So you can cut fabric and sew a hem line. Even I can do that. I will admit, there were a few pieces that I enjoyed that were different than that. But after looking over about 2 weeks worth of dresses, I was bored.

    That said, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor.

  457. Please 🙂

  458. that necklace is adorable!

  459. LOVE IT!

  460. Hey,
    I love reading your blog (from Singapore!!!! none the less). I have just started sewing and your blog has been such an inspiration. Love the necklace!!

  461. Hello there! Wondering if you have any readers from Malaysia! hahaha… Your blog is like a breath of fresh air with so many people wanting new exclusive shiny attires, but you choose to make yours entirely out of something which previously had so much stories to tell of it’s own. And from where I come from, the national attire would probably be tees, shorts and flip flops. Your mental pictures and their results fascinate me so. =D. I wonder how many more tales can your outfits gather when given new life into them. I hope you’ll continue with your project even if your 365 pieces are done with. It’s really great a pleasure seeing you work magic. Inspiring. Cheers.

  462. Love your blog! I think I’m comment #475, so if you ever see this, I think the fish would look super-cool stitched onto the that light green sweatshirt you’re wearing.

  463. Those fishy necklaces are adorable!!!! I think what you’re doing is great 😉 and you have a great eye for colors. I’d wear just about everything you’ve made so far.

  464. I’m so sad i missed this! The kids I teach would have loved the fishy necklace! (And it woulda looked kickass with my regular clothes too 🙂
    ❤ Clare

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