
So here’s the deal friends, I’m going to be spending the entire year without doing an ounce of traditional clothing shopping. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “this girl is outta her gourd”, and I completely agree with you.

I was having a personal creative-funk-crisis this year and needed a bit of inspiration. Maybe it was because I was in the midst of turning 30 or perhaps it came from being overworked in a job that I luckily got laid off from – but what was for sure was that I was in a rut.

And then a Saturday afternoon viewing of Julie & Julia changed everything.  Now I didn’t want to cook my way through Julia Child’s French cookbook – je parle un peu Francais, but coq au vin just isn’t my thing – however, I did want to do something that would get my creative juices flowing everyday. And then the aha moment came to me.

The thing that makes this girl happiest is scouring flea markets, vintage stores and garage sales for the perfect pieces to add to my wardrobe. I love finding vintage goodies that may not fit me perfectly or translate well with the current state of fashion and then make them work on me. (thank you Tim Gunn – “make it work” has become my mantra) I get out my trusty sewing machine to change hems, cut sleeves and tweak to transform a lowbudge piece that had its’ moment back in 1976 and give it another shot today, decades later.   I have to say that whenever I wear my handmade pieces, I always get complimented and the best part is that I get to tell everyone that I bought it for $1 and just shortened it, dyed it or cinched it to make it chic and current.

So, that’s where my ode to no traditional shopping begins.  This year, I will be foregoing trips to Bloomies and Nordstrom for brand new gear. Goodbye to H&M purchases and accessory grabbing at Forever 21. And seeing the “must have” French Connection dress in People’s Style Watch will just have to suffice as a cut out on my inspiration board.

Instead, the only shopping that I’ll be able to do is that of pieces that have been used and worn already.  So long to mall trips and hello to sifting through piles of vintage pieces at flea markets and at neighborhood garage sales. Each day for the entire year, I’m going to introduce a new piece into my existing wardrobe that I’ve found from these places.  On top of this, I’m giving myself a budget of $1 a day.

One person’s trash is becoming my treasure this year.

365 days. 365 items of clothing. 365 dollars. And the blogging begins…

526 responses to “About

  1. Love it Marisa!

    • I live in a tiny town I have never seen anything like this. Hard to believe this.. so awesome and your actually funny too. I cant imagine having this kind of talent. Congrats.

    • This is amazing. I’m a used-clothing shopper and a seamstress too, and now I want to start a project like this for myself! The ways you’ve found to rebirth these dresses and (quickly and cheaply!) give them brand-new, stylish, unique life is so inspiring. And I’ve only read a dozen entries so far!

    • Hi Marisa,
      I just stumbled upon your blog and I have to say that I am sooooo intrigued! This is such a cool idea:) Congrats on taking on such a creative approach!

    • OMG! Very fine idea! I ‘m always looking for fun, the put on my blog, and you ‘ re so worth it! Keep going, girl!

  2. You’re my hero!

  3. You are so creative!!! Love this!!! oxox

  4. what?! what?! Keep it rockin’, Marisa…LOVE, love the before and after pics

  5. You are SO amazing, Marisa!!! I love it!!!XO

  6. This is amazing!! So proud my dear!

  7. Platinum. Seriously.

  8. Awesome blog!!

  9. Great idea, Marisa! Best of luck on your finds…I’m sure they’ll turn out gorgeous!

  10. You are very inspiring! Back in ‘the day’ when I was a teen, I ripped apart my Dad’s suit pants & made them over for myself…the fabric was fantastic – herringbones and tweeds. My Mom added a bonus in that she would buy me a sweater to complete the ensemble! You brought back a very fond memory!!!

  11. I just watched Julie & Julia too, and I’ve been trying to think up a similarly creative/productive/inspiring idea. Can’t wait to see where this leads!

  12. So i am absolutely in love with julie and julia, I’m gonna read the book soon! After i saw that movie i decided to start a blog too 🙂 I love your idea, its really clever! I think I’m gonna hit the thrift store tomorrow!

  13. what a cool idea! i rarely find anything for a dollar anymore…sometimes i think the thrift stores have caught on!

    keep it up!

  14. Awesome idea!
    Every burnt-out designer’s dream 🙂

  15. so sassy-creative-brilliant!!! i love it, truly!

  16. You are brave, so brave. This project is so fun to watch, thanks for bringing it to us all:)

  17. Love this! I’m so excited to watch it unfold. Good on ya!

  18. Hey! I am LOVING your site!! grab me on twitter at jotownsend, I want to write an article on you for my australian blog!!

  19. this is my new favorite thing ever. You are so creative!

  20. Sweet idea!! I do that too…I love vintage things so much better…they have character.
    It saves so much money. All the best…hope you find some lovely things 🙂

  21. Hi there, I read about your blog on the Frankie mag email page and thought it was a great idea. Also relevant right now as we are day 2 into a Recycled Fashion Workshops for older kids and teenagers. The group are learning hand and sewing machine skills, pattern making and how to recycle Op Shop (charity/thrift shop) finds, into something new and original, cheap and less wasteful on the precious world resources.

    • Hi Loulou! Thanks so much for reading! Would love to check out some of the stuff that’s coming out of the Recycled Fashion Workshops you’re working on – so great to forward on sewing/recycling clothes to teens. Send pics my way if you’ve got ’em! xx M

  22. I too just came here from a Frankie Magazine email. Love this project that you are doing – can’t wait to read how you go as the year goes on.

  23. Great idea!! Look forward to keeping tabs on your adventures x

  24. What a fabulous idea! Your crafty projects are amazing! Thanks so much for sharing, and I’ll be following along (and probably getting inspired like crazy)!

  25. I’m so glad I stumbled across your blog – and by stumble I mean blogstalked through other blogs. Your posts are such a great way to ease into my work morning! Over coffee and procrastination I love to see what you’ve come up with each morning. Totally impressive!

    (Question: what is your “real” job?? I hope you’re able to be just as creative there!)

    • Yay, I’m so happy you stumbled my way and use it as an AM procrastination tool 🙂 I’m a blogstalker too, so we’re two peas in a pod! I can be creative in my “real” job, but not usually as much in a sewing/crafting kinda way. I write a lot there, but I usually get scolded if I try to throw in “fabtastic” or “holler”… xx Marisa

  26. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  27. You are my God!
    By the way Julie & Julia also changed my life. I was started my vegan cook-blog and sewing, but I am on start yet…

    Good luck! You are great!

  28. Pingback: Time after Time « Death to Traitors

  29. I just found your blog via a bunch of clicks on other blogs and I am in awe!

    I’m not as tiny as you, so I’m not sure I could make it work, but I’m tempted to try just for the fun of it.

    I’ll watch your journey and see how it goes.

  30. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words. I am seriously impressed and inspired by this awesome endeavor of yours. I just hope it doesn’t end after a year!! Can’t wait to see more!

  31. Just found your blog, I love it! Can’t wait to go through the past posts :]

  32. i am amazed girl! how accidental is that? since the beginning of 2010 i started the NOT shop project which basically means that i am not buying anything for a year….
    whatever i really want to have i am trying to make it!

    so congrats on your project and i am definitely following your blog now!

  33. This is AMAZING! I somehow came across your blog & I couldn’t stop scrolling through all the before/after pics. Great work!

    • Yay Laurie! I’m so glad you happened upon my blog and you’re enjoying. There has been a lot so far, so I may take a little bit of time to check everything out! Thrilled you’re a fan 🙂 xx M

  34. Do you get exhausted doing this day after day or does the creative excitement win over? By the way, you really impress this Aussie!

  35. Marisa; This is the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long time! Thanks for all the inspiration. I’ve just taken up quilting and am also trying to make old fashion/form “new” again.

    Can’t wait to share the rest of this journey with you 🙂

    • Yay Sara! Send me pics of the “new” pieces you’re making. Would love to see. So happy you’re on this little road trip of mine too…we’ve got lots more days ahead of us!

  36. brilliant.

  37. Wow…I am Soo glad I stumbled upon your blog! Absolutely love it. Wonderful idea!

  38. I was just sent a link to your blog and I LOVE LOVE LOVE what you’re doing!! I posted about your project on Craft Gossip Sewing:


  39. This is so cool. I can’t wait o hit the resale shops now. You’re a genius. Can’t imagine how much money you have saved.

  40. you are my idol!!! thank you for sharing your inspiration! 😉

  41. well…you have some courage to do this!!! i think i will write on my blog about you…only it is in romanian language…but it will be only good words 😛
    I also like julie and julia… and i have 2 project…unfortunatley i don’t have the time!
    But i support and encourage you! maye can help with some ideas….
    Go girl!

  42. I read every entertaining word. Love the transformations too! Can’t wait to see the next one!

  43. I love your blog! What you’ve done so far is amazing, and I can’t wait to see what’s to come. I gave myself *one* challenge like this recently, and I’m so pleased with the result. I can’t imagine having a whole closet full of one-of-a-kind wares! Congrats on going for this and thanks so much for the inspiration!

    • Carole Ann – thank you so much for the amazing words!! Ooh, I’d love to see what you did. Shoot me over a pic if you have one. So happy it’s giving you inspiration to create your own things too!!

  44. Maybe you address this somewhere in your blog, but how long have you been sewing? Do you have a background/upbringing that was infiltrated with design? How creative to just start hacking away at something and come out with a nifty “ta-da” on the other end! !

    • Thanks Julie! Sewing for a bit – home ec in 7th grade was where I totally learned how to use a machine 🙂 I also have styled for a little bit too…I love clothes/fashion and this is one of my hobbies 🙂

  45. WOW! That ‘s all I can say. I will be cheering you on! I love this idea. My creative energies ebb and flow but this is a great way to “keep em moving”. With 2 little ones I can’t take on this type of challenge but you have definitely inspired me to step up my creativity game for me. Making things makes me happy – so I need to put more energy into it. Kudos to you and “make it work!”

  46. Wow! I’m 24 and just started sewing when I got a brand new machine this past Christmas. You’ve inspired me! I can’t wait to try some challenges myself!

  47. you are my new favorite human being. thanks for being awesome.

  48. Ditto Shannon – I am your new biggest fan! I love everything you have done/written so far and look forward to reading these for the rest of ’10!! You totally and completely ROCK.

  49. New to your blog. Love the idea and for sure you got me hooked. For long I wanted to sew and funnily enough I thought I never would manage. But now I will take a beginner course in sewing and thrifting. Thanks for sharing. Hugs across the pond.

  50. Just found your site. LOVING it!!!

  51. Ha! I can so relate. I am trying to break into my creative side even more now cos I’m gonna hit the big 3-0 soon. Boo!

    Good luck! I’ll be following ya! xo

  52. Wow, cool blog by the way. Not only do you get to wear one-of-a-kind, tailor-made clothes, this is also all very green! One day I hope to be as good with the sewing machine as you apparently are!

  53. i think this is brilliant and so very inspiring. reminding ourselves what we could live without only to discover everything we have within! just brilliant. i’m a fan!

  54. gosh you inspire me! your creations are amazing!!!!

  55. So I just discovered your blog through a post on StyleCrush and I am in awe! You are so talented, envisioning what these out-dated pieces can become. I love it. I’ll definitely be following along to see what you come up with every day.

    Keep up the great work! So inspiring.

  56. I love, love, LOVE this! I think I just may be spending the rest of the day looking through back to day one (and maybe looking around in the attic for some old clothes…) Can’t wait to start checking in everyday! YAY!!! 🙂

  57. please make a book when you are finished. I for sure would buy it.

  58. I found your blog on http://www.threadbanger.com, and I am NOT a Blog person, but I think you are totally AWESOME. I like reading your blog everyday, and think you come up with really great ideas… Please keep it up, I look forward to more transformations, and please do not let this die… Apply for PROJECT RUNWAY or something… You would totally get on for doing something as RAD as this. Thanks for doing what you do. Danica…from Portland, OR.

  59. Hi!
    I’ve just found your blog – what a fantastic idea!!! I felt the same after watching Julie and Julia … in 2008 I was a bored 30something civil servant in London … starting my blog has changed the way I view things … rather than sit around and whinge about how much I hate work, I keep myself busy with my knitting, gardening, baking etc … and am inspired by other blogs!

  60. This is supercool
    you do so well!
    and you look great in all the stuff at the same time, im a bit jealous. when i found this side i went to the fleamarket just the next day.
    your project is gorgerous. i just have one question:
    where do you take the time to do all this stuff everyday?
    dont you work or have to so other things?
    or is it just taking time to do those thigs?

  61. You are a true inspiration! I just recently found your blog and am so completely happy that I did!

    As a former manager of a thrift store for almost 10 years AND a seamstress (albeit pretty novice) you have given me such wonderful insight into your craft. You go, girl! I’ll be following you to the end.

  62. Your idea is just so fantastic -many years ago at art school I would make a new piece of clothing every wednesday from op-shop (thrift) finds and the last few years I have quite missed the feeling of turing a bit of retro fabric or just-slightly-off clothing into something fab and fun! thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  63. i luv this site! my great friend “She” ref’d me. btw you are amazing. i luv these dresses. you should sell after you create, sport and shoot for blog (i guess it’s the boutique owner in me – but seriously your pieces are great)! i read three posts and i’m now a fan! well done!

  64. This is fabulous! This is just the kind of thing I have been dreaming of doing! You really need to open a boutique or write a book – the few existing books on upcycling/refashioning don’t have nearly such desirable and wearable outcomes! Look forward to seeing more. x

  65. I love love love reading your posts everyday – it’s like opening a gift each morning – ooooh, I wonder what she made today???
    Question: what do you do with the items you have re-created? Do you keep them? Do you wear them again? Do you make jewellery/accessories to go with your outfits?
    We do not have dollar shops here (Ontario Canada) but garage sale time is upon us, I think I may be able to find something!
    Have you ever thought of making something out of men’s ties?

    • I love love love that you’re reading daily! I’m holding onto everything right now and will probably be doing a big auction at the end of the year with a charity 🙂 Sometimes I wear the same things again, say if I have something at night that my new piece works for, I’ll wear something I’ve already worn during the day. Thanks for reading!!

  66. you´re awesome!!!
    now you´re my inspiration!!!!!
    im from monterrey, a city of mexico, and i dont know how i´m here in your web, but i saw all … and i love it….
    you´re a very creative person…keep working girl! you rocks!!

  67. Wow! This is so inspiring…I buy vintage all the time, especially since i moved to LA. Then it hangs in my closet – waiting to be taken to alterations! would love to get a sewing machine and learn how to do it. i love all your dresses and shirts – you are very creative.

  68. Jessica Bauer

    Wow Maris! You are a genius! This is delicious and fabulous and inspirational. You are very talented. I so look forward to watching your journey to becoming a very successful designer and stylist.

  69. amazing! thank you so much for sharing, you have inspired me to try something new. here’s to being inspired! =)

  70. Pingback: Maundering Me

  71. Love the concept of your blog! It’s magic how you can take those huge dresses and transform them into something wearable and cute. Looking forward to following your posts this year 🙂

  72. Way to go girl!!

    Really lóve your blog. Linked it on my page!

    Good luck and thank you só much for the inspiration!

    Love from Holland! ;o)

  73. Hi Marisa,

    I like your blog. And I don’t even wear dresses. My friend Sam showed me because I’m a blogging guru and she was impressed.

    You should make money with it. It’s easy if you’ve got a good blog.

    Anyway.. good luck. And you’re pretty.

    • Yay that you don’t wear dresses and are still reading along! Thank Sam for me for showing it to the blogging guru 🙂 And brownie points for calling this gal pretty!

  74. very good!!

  75. this is awesome!!
    and inspiring! you make me want to go sew up some thrift store finds since everything you make looks great!! 🙂

  76. oh my goodness, this is brilliant – I’m trying a no shopping pledge of my own and trying to make a few things along the way. I’m just sorry i’m so slow in finding your site – really looking forward to following you on the rest of the journey though. V. impressive.

  77. Hello, I just wanted to say how absolutely amazing I think you are! The outfits are incredible, and you make it all seem so easy. I’m really inspired and I’m going to do my own mini week long challenge when I have some time off work at the end of the month. Thank you for sharing your ideas and being so inspiring.

  78. Hi Marisa!
    A friend turned me on to your blog – and I fell in love!! I really dig your personal brand of creativity. THANK YOU for making this blog available to all of us!

    May I ask, what do you do for a living? Do you get to be creative at your job?

    A friend and I have decided to follow in your footsteps and take a stab and revamping cheap finds…I wish I had any sewing talent – but at the very least, it will be fun and interesting! ❤

  79. I just discovered your blog, and love your re-fashions! I will make sure I stay tuned to what you are up to the rest of this year.

  80. Your blog is simply inspiring! Now I’m really motivated looking for XXL pieces in 2nd hand shops… my sewing talents seriously need to improve, though 😉
    Thanks for sharing this with us (and helping me saving money 😉 ) I’ll definitely follow you ’till the last day…

    Good luck and kind regards from Switzerland!

  81. Just found your website late last night and I absolutely love it! It’s funny looking through your pictures and recognizing some of the places (I’m in LA too, Brentwood area). Keep making some awesome stuff!

  82. Hi there! Im from the UK and I just stumbled on your blog the other day and I love it-very inspiring. I sew alot but could never find the time with my job and doing the sewing you do every day and get a chance to wear it in the same day-ur amazing! Cant wait to read some more very soon!

  83. Read about your blolg in Bust magazine. Im in LOVE with your blog 🙂 I have always wanted to make new clothes out of thrift store finds and just needed alittle inspiration. Currently pregnant some im rockin some preggo gear, but after this baby comes …im going thriftstore shopping! You are so creative and talented!

  84. Simply amazing! Keep it up!

  85. Pingback: Sew Tara » Blog Archive » Friday Find – Dress a day with the wonderful Marissa

  86. Love! Wishing I could sew.

  87. I couple of weeks ago a friend sent me a link to your site. She said she thought I’d find it interesting. I replied, “OMG are you KIDDING? This woman is totally my new hero!!!”

    Belatedly, it occurred to me that I should have said this to you. So I did.

    Can’t wait to see what you come up with every day. 😀

  88. you’re a genius!

    great stuff !!

  89. Love the idea! My sis and I did a challenge for a whole year where we could only shop at op-shops or make our clothes. I loved it. Not sure I could manage an outift a day though. I have 100 creative challenges for the year and that’s enough for me. Keep up the great work!

  90. What a great concept! I just found your site today, but I’m excited to check in every day to see what you’ve created. So far, I’m totally blown away!

  91. what a clever way to find inspiration, go green, save a few bucks, and re-purpose something that might have stayed in a bucket or bin forever … love the way you show the before and after pics, and also love your cute and bubbly way of describing the process … found you by accident by way of tree hugger online website … followed a link to another link to another link, and there you were, piquing my interest, and then putting a smile on my face. Great idea, great execution, and fabulous way to stay inspired!

  92. This is a genius idea, by the way. Genius, I say! I love to find bloggers who have clearly carved out their “thing”. Loving what you’re doing here.

  93. I think you’re doing an amazing job:: sometimes I look at the ‘before’ photos and I think, ‘What the hell??’ but the right cut and drape really transforms even the way the fabric looks. Love looking at your creations.

  94. Hi…I stumbled along to your blog and I’m in love with your creations! what a great idea…

  95. excellent, excellent, excellent! ❤ it all.

  96. Hey lady! I’ve been following your blog for awhile and I just wanted to say that I love what you’re doing! Your clothes are turning out so great! 🙂 Good luck with the rest of the year! I’m cheering you on in MI!!

  97. I just found your blog today, and I already love the idea!
    I love sewing, but the only tranning I have came from a half semester of 7th grade Home-Ec. So if you have time for tutorials that would also be super!

    I will be rooting for you! Did I already say how much I love your blog?

  98. brava chica. you are brave and amazing.

  99. Hiya Marisa!

    I’ve just recently gotten the thrift/secondhand store bug and can so get into this! I am a crafty person but I’ve hit a major block, I keep sitting at my sewing machine with all these projects in mind and I haven’t been able to do a thing. I would love to try something like this, I’m not very fashion oriented though, so trying to decide what to do with something will be the biggest challenge (and the fact that I am not petite, so the clothing selections are typically harder to come by) BUT, you are my inspiration! Thanks for posting this blog, it’s just so cool and so green, I love that best of all!

  100. I love this idea!! Salvation Army has been my favorite clothing store for 20mumble years, ever since college. But this whole idea is awesome! I have been scouring thrift stores for quilting material from clothing and linens. As you well know a plus size dress has scads of material, much less than you would have to pay for if you bought the material by the yard. So I applaud you, You go Girl!!

  101. This is pretty darn amazing… I really wish I could sew! But honestly, I spend about this much on new clothes each year just by shopping clearance at Old Navy (just for example), using those Express/New York and Company coupons they send in the mail, and re-wearing things a normal/average amount…

  102. Totally inspiring! $1 dresses…I want to shop your thrift stores!

  103. Pingback: Things That Make Me Happy! « Pretty Little Tangents

  104. I’m not so into blogs, but when my friend showed me yours I immediately FELL IN LOVE! Awesome idea! You are very talented and are really an inspiration. I even tried recreating my own tshirt the other day, May it Rest in Peace, but I was happy I tried! Keep up the awesome work!


  106. I think this is such a great idea.

  107. Fantastic idea!! You’ve been doing wonders with your findings!

  108. Pingback: Transforming a Different $1 Dress Everyday for a Year, Now That’s Dedication « ReadyMade Editors' Notes

  109. Hey there! I just wanted to say your blog is awesome! I admire so much your creativity and vision for recycled clothes! You should def make a book about this whole experience lol it is such an inspiration…
    Cheers from Mexico!

  110. wow…
    i really loved your idea…
    i would do the same thing that you are doing here in brazil,but unfortunately i don’t know how to sew xD

    congrats to u!

  111. Awesome idea! You’re an inspiration to all of us out there wh sew!!! I will look forward to reading along!

  112. my 9 year old daughter and i sat and scrolled through all your dresses today with much admiration for your creativity and thriftiness….i think it might mean no more department or fabrics store for us, but thrift stores instead…she kept saying over and over, I LOVE THAT ONE! oh, I LOVE THAT ONE! thanks for being a role model and creative inspiration!:)

  113. i love love your blog! i know you’re pretty far into your project but i only recently discovered it (on accident–yay for that).

    i am local to southern california (orange county, though i know you are in LA) and i’m a fashion design major at FIDM. new clothes are always constantly on my mind and you are very inspiring! i want to get out there and find some dresses in need of love and makeovers. i was wondering where you actually shop? other than the standard goodwill and yard sales, i’m not knowledgeable about good flea markets and such. it would be awesome to know about some good ones!

  114. What a great idea!!!!!!

  115. Pingback: Site We Love: New Dress A Day | Frockable

  116. I just found an article about your website in Bust magazine. I decided to look at the website, and i love it! It is so inspiring. Now i am going to follow you everyday! Thanx!! 🙂

  117. Such a great idea! Love your creativity and am inspired. Keep on sewing!

  118. You’re famous! I live in Brazil and was surfing the net when I read an article about you … Well, I’m no fan of fashion, but I loved what I read, I felt fantastic, like when I watched “Julie & Juliet.” I am writing to show how you (or your message) was so far away … Congratulations! I think you had doubts to start doing this (blog), but believe me, worth it! (Sorry for my bad english). Kisses, bye!

  119. Ah, here is the link of the report in a Brazilian site:

  120. Olá MArisa…
    Parabéns pelo blog e pela grande criatividade=D
    Grande Beiijoo…Adorei seu cantinho
    Pará – Brasil

  121. You should apply for Project Runway!!!

  122. A friend just sent me a link to this and I love it! I’ve just recently discovered the world of refashioning and I’m inspired by what you’ve been able to make so far (your transformation of the clown dress was definitely impressive :-D). I look forward to seeing more of what you do!

  123. Hi!
    I’m from Brazil and my English is bad… But I’ve to say: I love it! The clothes turn into really fashion pieces… And I’ve the same feeling after watched Julie & Julia… All I can say is Congrats!

  124. Can I say freaking awesome! What a wonderful way to celebrate your turning 30. I am so excited to have stumbled on to your blog. You are such an inspiration in fashion, style and recycling. 🙂

  125. ola marisa, conheci seu blog ontem! e simplesmente AMEI!!!!EU AMO COSTURAR E INVENTAR, MAS ESTAVA SEM INSPIRAÇÃO!vc eh mt criativa e me inspirou!
    bju e sucesso!!


  127. Meninos também podem!

    Congrats, Marisa!

    I’m also from Brazil, as the one above me, and i loved your idea and commitment!

    Go for it, girl!

    I’ll be comming back to this blog very often 🙂

  128. Kathryn Venugopal

    You inspire me. I love your blog and your clothes.

  129. You’re amazing! what training do you have in alterations, or do you just figure it all out free style? You’ve inspired me to look for great pieces that i can make perfectly perfect for me! thanks 🙂 keep up the GREAT work

  130. This is such an amazing idea! I wish my “turning-30-crysis” had lead to such a good thing 🙂
    All the best for you and the rest of the year!

  131. I just love the idea – it’s so green, smart, and very very very inspiring! It’s amazing how much fab from drab you can create in just one day! Way to go girl!

  132. I think you have brazilians fans!!! I’m also from Brazil and I just loved your blog! You’re very criative. Best of luck for you!!

  133. amazing! you really know how to have fun don’t you?:) best wishes, i’ll share your incredible jurney with my friends and make them happy too! you’re a real entertainer!

  134. Pingback: New Blog/New Dress a Day « Oakland Etsuko

  135. A friend of mine forwarded your blog, because I too am doing a 365 project and I wanted to tell you that your blog is fantastic and that you are unbelievably talented. I cannot believe what you can do with those frocks. Amazing. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next.

  136. This is so inspiring! I’ve been meaning to break out my sewing machine since we moved, and I do believe I’ll be revamping my wardrobe first thing. Couldn’t help myself – I just blogged about you. 🙂

  137. Pingback: Creativity & Inspiration – yes please! | A mishmash of me!

  138. You are an inspiration !

  139. Olá, estou encantada com seu blog! Eu assisti o filme e também fiquei com vontade de um desafo assim. Tenho um Blog onde posto peças feitas com material reutilizado. Upcycling. Faça uma visitinha no meu cantiho. Ficarei honrada. Beijos da sua fã.

  140. Oh my, you are an inspiration…what a great idea…keep up the amazing work !

  141. Such a great concept! It’s awesome

  142. Such a great idea! I absolutely LOVE your site and the projects you come up with! I can’t wait to see what you do next~

  143. Just discovered your awesome blog 🙂 Go girl power!

  144. I love checking your site each day. Your creativity is inspiring. Totally makes me look at things in a new light, looking past what is to what might be. I even find myself going through my current clothes trying to find ways to re-fashion them. Thanks for the inspiration.

  145. Your blog is so inspiring! Just after I came across it I went through my closet and made some MAJOR changes! I found an 80’s dress (long, puffed sleeves, red/green plaid, YUCK!) and transformed it into a masterpiece punk/rock/chic dress that I can’t wait to wear! When I showed it to my mom, a look of shock came over her face “that’s a designer dress, it’s pure silk!!).Live and learn, I guess. Do you ever get the urge to go shopping and have you ever caved when there was a sale at your favorite store?!?

  146. I love the site! I also N’joy anyone that is using the 3 R’s. Just thought I would bring up a great place to shop on the dirt cheap.

    If you have Good Will’s near you…see if you have a distribution station in drivable distance. AMAZING. They have huge tables that hold items and sell it by the pound. You can walk out with a STUFFFFFED, heck even sometimes over flowing for under 30 bucks. I shop at mine once every 2 months unless I am feeling real frisky. LOL

  147. I saw an article on your project on Time.com and it led me to your blog…you are such an inspiration and now I feel like I must visit myself a Goodwill tonight!

    Ha ha thanks for your amazing blog!!!

  148. i just came over from time.com and am completely blown away by this project! i spent an entire afternoon reading your blog (procrastination!) :p
    i wish i had the vision to see the potential in older clothes…maybe soon i will give it a try! you’ve definitely inspired me to think more creatively about what is in my own closet though!
    i’ll definitely be checking back everyday! good luck!!!

  149. I really love your blog. I’m totally inspired!

  150. You are amazing…and so talented. It is a dream to learn how to do this, but no one to teach..but I will keep hope alive that I will finally do this some day and half as good as you 🙂

  151. you’re my new hero!! i love this idea and love the amazing transformations!

  152. So do youoccationally go over budget if a piece is just really great? Do you have ‘wiggle room’ to accomodate? Where do you get these pieces? I love this post!

  153. I love these re-designs of yours! I wish I had the time to do the same! You are really talented!

  154. Hiya,

    Great stuff!!!! I’m wondering what machine you use to make all of your fab. dresses? Keep up the great work!

  155. truly inspirational! so glad i found this blog. 🙂

  156. truly inspirational! so glad i found your blog! 🙂

  157. do you do hats? 🙂

  158. Coolest idea I’ve heard in a long time. Love it.

  159. This is very creative and inspiring! I wish I knew how to sew:/ but I’m more of a crocheting person(:

  160. I really like some of these! You’re so clever…. you go girl!

  161. I saw the article in Yahoo and i just had to see what you do to these dresses. And they’re amazing. Seriously! I wish I know how to stitch and sew as well 🙂

    I posted a link to your blog in my tumblr account and I’ll be adding you up in twitter in a bit.

    God bless you!

  162. Watching you do this is very motivating!!!Deff will be checking on your site everyday!

  163. Hey Marisa!
    I just love what you have done! It is so creative. Plus, you make some really cute stuff! You are quite a savvy fashionista.
    I was also inspired by Julie & Julia; starting my blog “Cookin’ Lean Like Paula Deen”, where I have been learning how to cook while transforming Paula’s classic dishes from heavy to healthy. It has been so much fun and I totally get what you are doing. Good for you!
    You have done such a great thing here. Keep it up!
    So, when is your budget clothing line coming out? 🙂

  164. So I found you from yahoo front page i believe. or something with Yahoo shine. I didn’t read the article but i saw a link to your blog, and I was just fascinated with the pics and it was very Julia & Julie -esque and I just had to come here.

    This is soooo awesome. I love the dresses/shirts you created and I’m so proud that you’ve done such a great job!

    You should sell the dresses to your fans… I think that would be awesome. of course if it’s the right size…. I’d totally buy some!

  165. I love this!! Your idea is great, and you’re very crafty and talented! Love the commentary as well. Great job! Best of luck to you!

  166. simply amazing…love it

  167. You are so talented!!!
    So inspiring!!
    I love your transformations – such cute items!!
    I look forward to seeing your future creations!

    i’m hooked, can i buy any of these?

  169. you’re so inspiring girl! love your site 🙂

  170. Happened upon you from a Yahoo snippet. …glad I did! Awesome idea and you’re truly inspiring!

  171. Innovative idea and inspiring! some real gems so far!

  172. Just discovered your blog through a link. Coming from someone who can barely sew a button back on, I am so impressed with your creativity. Love the witty comments too….keep it up girl!

  173. What an awesome and creative idea. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next.

  174. I wanted to give you my highest compliments on your idea and follow through. I too, love to go to garage sales and find funky/crazy/fun things. However, I do not have the skills or artistery to make my own clothing. Perhaps sometime down the line. You are rad!

  175. Awesome site! Im addicted and wish i saw this sooner. Apply for project runway!! Keep up the good work and creativity 🙂

  176. All I can say is wow! Great work. I haven’t used my sewing machine in 5 years but I going to learn.

  177. Wow! This is amazing. It’s only a matter of time before some hot designer snags you up. Can’t wait to see your new creations each day.

  178. Marisa – I just came across your website and WOW, you are such an inspiration! What you’re doing is fabulous, creative and imaginative and I loved reading your posts and seeing your before and after pictures. This is right up my alley… I wish you all the best in continuing your journey and transforming vintage fashions into modern day chic!

  179. Whoa, these dresses are absolutely breathtaking! I actually came upon your blog from the main yahoo website in the featured section – you’re famous! haha. I began sifting through your entries and thought, ‘well I bet there’s no way this person can make EVERYTHING she finds into a gorgeous outfit’, but look as I might, I honestly couldn’t find any one of your dresses less than amazing. You are so creative! 🙂

  180. Boy you are an inspiration for sure! Gets my creative juices flowing!!!!

  181. Bravissimo, Marisa!

    I predict you’re going to start a trend all over the world! As a single mom with four daughters (twins, too!), you are an inspiration and a godsend. We should all start thinking about revving up our creativity to find ways to cut the budget and do something we’re passionate about at the same time.

    Hooray for you!

  182. Awesome! I am inspired myself after checking out your blog! Very cute recycled creations! Keep on sewing!

  183. I just discovered your blog as it was highlighted on Yahoo….and I’m hooked! You’re a rockin’ mom, with style, pinache’ and a love for thrift/vintage stores. A woman after my own heart! Unfortunately, I don’t sew but like others have said, you’re an inspiration! Keep up the fabulous work.

  184. You are so cool… And officially my new idol. All of the sewing that I’ve been “intending” to do will no longer be put on hold. Those 9th grade English papers can wait to be graded; I’ve got stylish clothes to make! =)

  185. Not sure how I landed here but what an incredible idea……vintage revived…who woulda thunk?………..makes me wanna pick up scissors and needle and thread and make baby doll outfits to match……..what fun……!!!!!! you go girl………..

  186. I am so inspired! Just today I was in Target and they had clothing at 75%! I ran across a dress that was too many sizes to big and thought, “Hmm, I wonder if I can refashion this?” Well, now I know I can thanks to you!

  187. Your post came up on Yahoo today, you’re famous! I can hardly stop looking through your posts. It is truly amazing. I do this too now and then, but you have a definite talent for it. You are so inspiring. Can’t wait for tomorrow!

  188. You may have saved my mom from her retirement woes! Bored and struggling to make ends meet on her retirement income is getting to my mother. She is crafty like you and on a budget so hobbies are few and far between. This is perfect for her! I suggested that she do the same but donate the dresses to the ladies at her small church who also have minimum amount of money to spend on shopping.

    Funny that Julie and Julia inspired you because my mom just bought me the movie and I told her I loved it and we are making a date to watch it together.

    I have helped my mom add your blog to her favorites and she is excited to see what you come up with next. Keep going not only for you but for my mother…. she finally has something to look forward to everyday!

  189. WingsofMemories

    You will have no problem finding a new job dealing with fashion. Your pieces are amazing and really creative! =)

  190. Hey Marisa,
    I’ve just discovered your site on yahoo.com (in case you haven’t noticed, you are a featured story). I’m a 16 year old who has had a tough year that ended with me losing (or feeling like I’ve lost) the creative juices always flowing through me since I was a kid. Although I’m an artist, I used to draw mannequins wearing my own designs. Your site is such an inspiration. I’ve always wanted to create my own clothes as not only something I can be proud of but something that can help me feel more like myself (or the passionate and fearless girl I used to be). I’m definetly going to be checking this site whenever I can since what your doing is pretty amazing and impressive. Keep up the good work. 🙂

  191. This makes me wish I had a sewing machine and that I knew how to use it! Fearless stuff! Keep it up!

  192. you are a true inspiration to me, i would love to sew like you do one day. =)
    how did you learn?

  193. Heyo,
    From one fashion designer to another, you and I could be BFFs. Love, Love, Love your re-designs. Awesome, just soo simply awesome. Inspire me to go to my local Goodwill like, NOW. And on a side note, I am soo thankful that someone is showing the world that thrift stores aren’t a place for the less fortunate, rather a place to turn to for reinvention.

    Way to go lady! Way to go!

  194. What a gift you have! Absolutely amazing creations. I hope somewhere in the fashion world someone picks up your blog!

  195. I had to say hi because first, you’ve got the same name as me (do you pronounce it “Ma-ree-sa” too???). Second, I was wondering if I could do something like this. I loved the idea behind “Julie and Julia” too. Now I just need to find my niche. You’ve got a great imagination. Hope it takes you to some fascinating places!!!

  196. Wow I am blown away. You have a great sense of style and are an awesome seamstress. Way to go!!

  197. I also recently watched the Julie & Julia movie and was moved to do something creative like that, but I haven’t quite determined what I want to do or if I will do anything at all… But I really like your blog and think you’re doing an awesome job sticking to your goal.

    I was also wondering if you’ve ever heard of “The Uniform Project”? (http://theuniformproject.com) A young woman was tired of her daily job routine and decided to start a small philanthropic project that has gotten really big and is currently in it’s second year. The idea behind her project was to wear one black dress (of which 7 copies were made so she didn’t have to do laundry as often) and each day she would make it unique with items/accessories that were donated to her. The goal was to help raise funds for an organization in India that helps put children in school. Throughout her first year she gained a variety of media attention, and by the end of her project was able to raise over $100,000 that went towards her cause. It was such an inspirational idea and I think yours is also very cool = ) Maybe you could raise funds for something you care about with all the money you’ve saved so far from being thrifty…

  198. First Blog I have ever considered checking out and I think this is the most fun clever and creative idea I have heard of in forever! I love it!!!!!

  199. You are an inspiration. I am 44 and I dont sew, but you have inspired me to learn! you have a great fashion sense!

  200. I absolutely love this! I find treasures at Goodwill all the time. I only wish I could transform great fabrics stuck in a terrible form as beautifully as you do! I’ve been wanting to take up sewing for a long time now, perhaps you are my inspiration :). I look forward to seeing future dress transformations!

  201. Awesome stuff!!! Very creative; thought about putting video up as you sew? It will help others if they find similar articles of clothing… Best!!

  202. Your story is blasted on Yahoo! and I was instantly facinated. I love the notion of finding something to do that makes you happy… every single day. Bravo for sharing this passion and art with the world. I am inspired… and most definitely now a big fan.

  203. This is brilliant! I was completely inspired by Julie & Julia also but Im a full time student and couldn’t do something as couragious as this, I envy your flow of creativity and will be tunning in each day to see what you do! Cheers!!

  204. What you are doing is fantastic! I wish I was creative and skilled enough to make those kind of dresses! You should start a little boutique… unless you already have and I just didn’t read that post; there were too many comments to read through them all =] Keep up the great work and good luck.

  205. Hey there. This is so crazy that i ran into your site because today i had been thinking while watching design on a dime on HGTV, i want to do something creative, like redoing old thrift store furniture for myself and maybe for family presents. Anyways what a unique and creative thing u got going on! Bet you didnt think that you would have this many women interested and inspired by your simplicity.. I bet we will see you soon on some type of talk show. I can see it now… Oprah is hosting one of her last shows and the topic, EPL and insprational, everyday, normal kindda gals like us!! Anyways this is such a breath of fresh air and i will find myself checking out ur site on the regular to see what you come up with next.

  206. I honestly think you should sell some of those pieces they are so creative and cute! I would love to wear them. In fact I use to turn my jeans that I bought from a thrift store into skinny jeans and did it for all my friends in high school. But you have taken it to a whole new level, keep up the great work!

  207. Your creations are gorgeous. I am so envious that you taught yourself to be such an awesome seamstress. Thank you for taking something as crushing as unemployment and bringing joy to others through your craft and blog. I cannot believe that you want to auction them all though! Charity or not, it would be very hard for me to part with most of those garments!!! Good luck with all of your future endeavors. Good things will continue to come your way!

  208. You’re so creative and inspiring! Keep up the great work!

  209. I just love when people use their creativity to turn old, seemingly useless articles of clothing into modern “wow” pieces for a new wardrobe. Hail to the queen of transformation! You go, girl! I’m also a thrift store, bargain shopper, so I truly empathize with the challenges you face in shopping at these places. I only wish I had your capabilities, cause I would totally be a copycat! Good luck and I hope your creativity someday soon turns into a completely life-changing, career opportunity. All the best!

  210. I saw your story on Yahoo today and went to your blog to check it out. All I can say is, “You inspire me!” I had been thinking along the same lines here lately and now that I see what you have done, I want to do it more than ever. Good luck to you and Thank you!

  211. This is by far my favorite thing I have seen in a long time! You are inspiring and SO creative! Keep up the good work. 🙂 I’m excited to check back later!

  212. I’m 16 and spend more money than any of my friends on clothing. (Guess you could call me a shopaholic) I’ve gotten over $300 worth of clothing and accessories this summer alone, much too much for someone without a job. Just saw your website link on yahoo and I’m inspired! I love to create and want to know how to sew; in fact I’m taking fashion design at school this year. You came up with a great idea and I will definitely try to copy your idea in reinventing old clothes as soon as I learn how to work the sewing machine. Good luck, keep creating! -new follower, Allyssa

  213. Pingback: And The Blogging Begins… | The A-Line

  214. Enjoyed your creativity, sense of humor, Choc. Mug cake, the
    designs and your overall fun website. Way to go! Very inspiring!
    Can’t wait to see what’s next. Thanks!

  215. You are darling. Way to reduce!!!!!!

  216. That’s pretty cool! I ❤ what you're doing. That would be great for my budget…..hehe. But I saw the before and after pictures…did you lose a lot of weight?! Cuz those before dresses were GIGANTIC!

  217. You are Amazing!!!
    These are really awesome and really cute! 😀

  218. Amelia (mum), Annabel(10) & Alex (8) Chick

    We just saw this & LOVED it! Annabel learnt to use a sewing machine this summer & made a wacky pair of pj pants. She loves creating things – mostly for her Build-a-bear’s or American Girl Doll – which is currently dressed in a Princess cave-girl outfit – there’s a challenge for you! I (Amelia) transformed a dress years ago given to me by an aunt – I wore it & wore it. Alex, he just likes his sports shorts & t-shirts….. We all think what you are doing is very cool & will follow your future outfits on facebook – when I have worked out how!!! Please keep going.

  219. WOW!!! So awesome! And extremely inspirational! Keep it going!

  220. Keep up the great work ! You are one creative chick ! I am sorry that I didn’t find out about your 365 dollar and days crusade sooner. But I am happy to be on board now!!

  221. This is a great project! I’ve only looked through the last hundred days, so there’s so much more to see!

  222. Hi Mirisa:
    I wondered on your page when I got on the internet; I love sewing. I also love to recreate old clothes too. I love your creations. I called my friend to tell her to check out your website; she is a seamstress also. U have encourage us to maybe post our designs on a web site. So thank you once again and keep up your wonderful creations. I love it. U go girl frd.

  223. I would love to send you some dresses that I have seen at the Bargain Stores here in Louisville,Ky. In Ky I’m sure you know about the Derby, we have tons of thrift stores that have off the wall fabric’s,Design’s, and not to mention the ever so popular Derby VaVa Voom Glam…(that’s what I call it) Feathers, beading, Sparkles name it and it was once used on a dress that once cost $1000 and is now $1. Right up you alley! I think you are extremely talented and I love that you got inspired by a movie and a job you disliked. Turning 30 is just another year to learn and be more inspired by something else. I have 30 knocking on my door too (April 15th) and I hope by then I’ll find something in my life to be inspired by too. Super proud of you and I think your amazing and I’m excited to see your creations over your final months! BTW….love day #1….but I have a feeling the best is yet to come.

  224. Love you’re blog! Very creative. I have a vintage dress that I would love to donate to you. I’d like to send you a pic . Where can I send this to you?

  225. I saw an article about you on Yahoo and checked out your blog. What you have done is amazing. This is incredibly and inspiring. You could totally create your own business making and selling these designs. I’d buy them! Keep up them good work.

  226. Your doing an AWESOME!!! Job, Thank you for sharing. Love the outfits too. 🙂

  227. So much fun looking through the past posts!

  228. You are flawless.I am too nervous to write anything else to you as perfect as you are.

  229. love it!

  230. Awesome Idea, and congrats on getting recognized on Yahoo!

  231. I found your blog after seeing you mentioned on Yahoo’s front page and I think you’re awesome! Very creative and inspiring! And a funny writer too.

  232. your super amazing. my hero for sure. keep it up.

  233. great job.
    a true fashion hero.

  234. This is so great! I love this idea… so creative. Especially for someone who is obsessed with clothes and fashion, but has no self-control. Ahem. I can’t sew for crap, but would love to try this.

  235. Sarah D. Swoyer

    WOW! I’m totally impressed! I’m bellyaching about my wedding dress that I’m revamping, and you’re doing a dress a day! Good job girl, keep it up!

  236. Thank you ….thank you…thank you! You have truly inspired me to dust off my sewing machine and get my creative juices flowing again to modify my many vintage finds. I am determined more than ever now. I appreciate your posts so much, you have no idea!
    -Nikki Ace

  237. Have just spent a couple hours scouring your blog! This is so inspirational and amazing! The things you have done with some really hideous dresses is just mind blowing! I am sure you acquired a lot of new fans because of the Yahoo feature today! You make me want to get out my sewing machine and try my hand at hemming some things at least. A straight stitch is about all the sewing I know how to do. Can’t wait to see what you transform tomorrow! 🙂

  238. hai marisa, my name is nisa. i”m from malaysia. how brilliant idea u get girl. very creative n fantastic fashion even its look simple but with are style..love it and u give inspiration….keep it up girl…..

  239. luv this….i see so many outfits that u have created that remind me of my youth…dresses that we used to sew or our moms would put together with lotsa love…thank u so much…u r a tour de force!!!

  240. I decided to read through your blog page comments, and saw you mention how you might have an auction at the end of your first year to help raise money for a charity. Well, I kept thinking about the best way you could go about it (in fact I was having trouble falling asleep because my mind was racing), and how you could raise the most money possible at one time. Just wanted to share an idea that I have for you. It’s a bit ambitious, but I think you could make it happen = )

    Here goes: Contact someone that plans the Lifetime Project Runway challenges. Propose an episode that’s inspired by your efforts where the designers are required to use only fabrics from a local thrift store in their design challenge (Mood will have to deal for one episode). Then the outfits they produce for the challenge will be used during the next part of my idea…

    Choose a non-profit that you’d like to support that perhaps deals with providing clothes for people that can’t afford any. I quickly found one in the L.A. area that might be of interest to you (http://clothesthedeal.org/) but that is just one of many that are out there. So, to continue with the big plan, arrange for an event during one of the famous Fashion Weeks that take place during the year either in New York or L.A. The idea is attract as many philanthropic celebs to your event so you can raise the most money for your charity. I’m thinking you’ll need a fairly nice sized venue to display as many pieces from your 365 blog adventure as possible. This is where that Project Runway challenge comes into play. Those pieces they created will be among the items to be auctioned off. Your event will attract that many more attendees if a well recognized name like Lifetime’s Project Runway is involved. You’ll obviously need some amazing sponsors (for food/drinks/etc) to throw an event that’s going to attract big names in fashion/celebs etc., but I have no doubt you can get a variety of sponsors willing to help out for your cause.

    Well that is the idea I wanted to make sure I had a chance to share with you. Hope you like it!

  241. Greetings from Dubai!!! You are indeed famous!!
    I love what you’ve done with the old “trashy clothes” … you are an inspiration to many of us out there – to do with just $1 a day and making it such a beautiful piece of clothes/outfit!
    I bet your cupboard is now HUGE 🙂
    Looking forward to see more new outfit… Keep up the aswesome work!

  242. You are my new heroine Marisa – not just because you can thrift and sew… but because you can write Cheers

  243. I am inspired!

  244. What a great idea! I could never do this, since I barely know how to sew (my husband sews better than me). But, it’s really great to see such creativity. My husband started his own 365 project with his art (shameless plug: scotthulme.com), and he’s found it to be so rewarding. I also started my own at thegiveway.com. I’ve only been doing it for about a month, but am loving it.

    It’s so great to see other people’s. Yours is the first textiles one I’ve seen, and it’s great! Thanks so much for posting. Can’t wait to start following you and seeing more. -Kelly

  245. YOU ROCK!!!

  246. YOU ROCK!!!

  247. Hi, I am just learning to sew and I am a total shopaholic. Your idea has truly inspired me to do this. I need to learn to sew a little better, but once I get going then I’ll definitely give this a shot. Thanks for sharing your adventure!

  248. Great idea! Your inspiring me to sew again!

  249. Very well done!! Can i send you my clothes?? =)

  250. i love how you came up with the outfits! 🙂 amazing. I just wish I have a talent like that 🙂

  251. Amazing. Keep up the great work! You are very inspiring! 🙂

  252. Marisa you are an inspiration. Great idea! F.a.b.o.l.o.u.s (lol) executions!

  253. I LOVE this!! I especially love how you turn ugly dresses into cute shirts! I just did that last week. I turned a dress that was too big for me into a cute shirt that fits perfectly.
    Love love love your blog. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this with the world!!

  254. i envy you!..
    so amazing what creative people can do with their edgy views and talent!.. and the best thing is that you make it happen!
    I dream about it, change my old stuff into current..and yet I always end up in malls.
    Keep up the spirit!!

  255. You got me inspired, thank You! Up for this challenge 🙂
    Bring on a year’s worth Op Shop Fashion & creativity! 🙂 woo hoo!

  256. Chelsea Victoria

    you inspired me to do what i love again. I got a brand spankin new sewing machine as a christmas gift and its been sitting on my dresser unused for almost 8 months!I had alot to work with but no inspiration when it came down to what to do with it all so thanks and keep it up!

  257. OMG!!! You are like the coolest girl ever!!!

  258. What a lovely idea! I can’t sew a lick and now I want to learn how! Inspiring… Good for you!

  259. Hello
    it’s great what you’re doing and certain piece are really really good
    1) Will you have enough space in you closet ? 🙂
    2) I hope you doing a runway show with all the outfit
    big waves from France

  260. keep up the great work! its a brilliant idea! inspiring makes me want to try some vintage hunting of my own!

  261. Thumbs up for the creative and positive idea, and for the skill, too ! ^_^ This world would become a better place if there were more “crazy” people with an attitude like yours.

  262. You are such an inspiring breath of fresh air! I bought an older sewing machine two years ago with the thought that I’d teach myself to sew and never got around to it. I’m pulling it out of the closet today….you’ve renewed my interest and kick-started the appeal to rearrange some of my old pieces. You have a new follower today!

  263. I like your blog, it is wonderful to see how you made those clothings looks fashionable and beautiful. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  264. I saw a little news blurb on Yahoo today about your Julie-esque adventure. I took some time to look through and read and I can’t help feeling happy and nostaligic for those days that my “abuelita” (grandmom in Spanish) made dresses and skirts for me in Puerto Rico. I wish I still had them! Back then my mom couldn’t get them off of me! (“Don’t you need to wash that, Ali?” “noooooo”) I love thrifting and flea markets, those are some of the best memories with my dad … kudos to you. Your dresses look fab! Thanks for the feel good stuff. The world could use more inspiration like this.

  265. Hi…

    U have such an amazing gift… beautiful…it will definitely take u places!!!

  266. What a fantastic idea! 😀 You’ve come up with some super creative outfits! How cute! These are wonderful–I just spent like a half hour combing through your dresses-a-day. I probably buy clothes once a year, but you have a good idea here; maybe I should just take some of my older clothes and give them a new spin! “Green” and chic!

    Keep up your work; I love seeing it! 😀

  267. Wow I just love this. I do this as well because my grandma was really handy with the sewing machine and my mom used to make her own clothes so it’s a mindset she passed on. I’ve done really minor alterations (turned a maxi dress into a minor; cut off sleeves from a 1960’s vintage maxi dress and converted into a belt) but not on the level that you can do it, boy o boy you are a creative master. My 73 year old Chinese mom would love your website. You are so inspiring and I LOOOOOOVE the fact that you show us just how to you are doing it so in case we get the urge we can have some guidance.

  268. Hi! Just found you on Yahoo homepage, and this is so great! I have a lot of catching up to do here, but love almost all of the dresses I have seen thus far. Super idea and superb work! Looking forward to coffee breaks perusing your site.

  269. You’ve got such a gift, what a blessing! I have always believed that when God closes one door, He opens another. Looks to me as if you found a grand entryway from your layoff – wonderful!!

    I love Naomi’s idea of a fundraiser. As I was reading your blog Project Runway kept entering my mind (my mother’s and my favorite show)! Although I think possibly posting a few online might bring you more money for the charity of your choice…as you have a HUGE following here and that way you’d get bids from around the world. Seems to me that after all your hard work, you should consider keeping 10% to treat yourself to a trip to Bali! :o) Take care & God Bless, Jean Marie

  270. Michelle Yvonne Burns

    HMMMM this sounds like a reality TV show in the making, great ideas!
    Where did you learn to sew like that and do you use any patterns or books to help you work out tricky parts?

  271. so I came upon your blog from the Yahoo! home page and let me say – you have brightened my morning! looooooooove what you’ve done with all the dresses! you’re creative and funny and “green” too! I really hope someone in the fashion world sees this and gives you the attention you deserve! best of luck and I’ve now added your blog to my “favorites”!

  272. You are amazing! I have upcycled lots of things for my girls, but never for me. I just turned a shirt of my husband’s into a darling appliqued tunic dress for the 8 year old. I am feeling inspired to do it again…..maybe this time for me! Keep up the great, creative inspiring work!

  273. you are very talented! quite a “you-go-girl” story!

  274. I really hope that the younger generation will see the beauty in “fashion from the past” like you see it. I would like to thank you for opening a door into your world of creativity. It’s nice to see real talent at work; I will never look at a thrift store the same way now.

  275. Wow! I’m a new follower and cannot wait to read. Very inspiring!

  276. Hey I love your idea. I need to learn how to sew again, last time was in the seventh grade. Im in Kansas and our thrift stores dont have anything for a $1 anymore. Ill keep trying to find some places with cheap stuff so if I mess it up it wont be a big deal. Thanks

  277. I read about your blog on yahoo….and I am just absolutely amazed on how awesome this is. The way you take a piece of “not so wonderful” looking clothing and turning it into a masterpiece. It’s incredible…I mean, not that the style for that time was particularly bad. Because I’m sure whoever loved that style really loved that style back then, for that time. It’s just not so in the modern world now…LOL! But to make one style to another for a more modern time is incredible. That is true talent and creativity. You’ve truly inspired me. Thank you for sharing such wonderful creativity with the world.

  278. You are truly an inspiration. I’m off to buy my first sewing machine this weekend!

  279. How amazing! Love your work & look forward to your future posts! Would I be able to donate a dress that is a matter of seasons old?? My sister gave up on it and I took it, but it needs work and a good home. I would love to see what you will do with it.

    Keep rockin’!!!

  280. You are an inspiration!! I would LOVE to be able to do this (and have had dreams that I actually do)!! I just don’t know how to sew… I guess that is big part, right? 🙂 I am so excited to continue to see your creations!

  281. Hi! I always had an eye for fashion, I will always sketch my designs in my mind but never took the time to actualy create my own pieces. I believe im creative, for I had previously designed hand made jewelry and brought back to life dull clear vases. I never really sold these items, they were mostly gifts. Now, that I have moved out of my parents home and the economy as bad as it is, you have given me a push to do what I always had hidden in my mind. Being a single mom, I can’t be spending excessive amount of cash every year to look fashionaly late! Therefore I will ease my mind and start to build my own creations.Although I will need to learn how to sew, but Im sure it won’t be as hard. I got it in me! Thank you for inspiring me! I heart you!

  282. You are my soul sistah!! My mom sent me a link to this blog just today and now I have a crush on it. What a fantastic idea and what a creative gal you are!

  283. This is an awesome idea! Makes me want to get out my sewing machine and sew away! I totally love what you’re doing to this vintage pieces and turning them into works of art, love’s it!

  284. just wanted to say i love your stuff! and your sewing is muy fantastico! i just took a textiles class this summer and failed miserably at it. :_: but i do have some lovely bits of information to pass on about dyeing! the only problem is it might be a bit too expensive for you budget. if you use mx dyes (should be available from an art store or online) you get really vivid colors on cottons, silks, wool, and other natural based fibers. totally worth the extra money if you wanna give it a try.

  285. Single mom of 3 will be jumping on this bandwagon!!! Amazing ideas!!!! I work so much that I don’t have time to hit the malls and who can afford the prices…so off to the back of the closet I go and into the closets of my friends!!!! What a great way to take things and make them new again!!! SOOO EXCITING!!!!

  286. Cassie Wainwright

    Just saw this on Yahoo News earlier this morning and I’ve been reading ever since. You are SO creative (can I borrow some? =)) and beautiful. I love this!

  287. Amazing! It’s so fun to look through your different creations!

  288. Pingback: Interesting blog to check out – Bargains Rock

  289. Wow. What a coincidence. Infatuated with the idea of Eat, Pray, Love, I watched Julie & Julia for the first time last night wanting to come up with my own year-long self-revelation. Then, as I was checking my mail this morning, there you were on the headlines. I LOVE your idea and your work! It makes me even more passionate about finding my “thing.” Thanks for the boost! 🙂

  290. Wow! You are inspirational, I love what you have done and enjoy reading your posts! I have some really nice skirts and dresses that I have been reluctant to send away to good will because I love the vibrant colors and patterns…I have seen what you’ve done and will try to make a few items for myself (keeping in mind today’s trends) . Keep it going, you are awesome!!! You should try out for Project Runway!

  291. You’re amazing! I stumbled upon the yahoo article which featured your blog. I must say that you’re oozing with creativity! I would want to do the same thing except that I am not creative and I don’t know anything about sewing. Yet, I am inspired by you! One of these days, I might give it a try =) Ans when that day comes, I will be sending you a copy of my first project. I’ll be looking forward to your upcoming posts!

  292. Absolutely amazing……!!! Defiinitely…..a “when one door closes….another opens” story….. You may need to make your “exclusive pieces” available for sale !!!

  293. I will be doing my usual vintage shopping with a whole new set of eyes. Thanks for blogging.

  294. WOW! I am inspired and jealous at the same time. What a wonderful idea and I am so glad that I stumbled upon the article this morning on the Yahoo home page. You have amazing skill and I can’t wait to pull the old sewing machine out and start on all my unfinished projects again this fall. Thanks so much for sharing and keep up the great work. I love your blog and all your creations!

  295. Christine Gordon

    What a fabulous idea! I, too, was inspired after watching Julie & Julia.. Have yet to figure out how to find something that I could commit to, though. Kudos to you for finding your ‘thing’ and sticking to it!! Your pieces are lovely and look so chic and just like a designers creation. Looks like you found your calling!! =]

  296. Wow…what a great idea! You are a total inspiration — with fashion, with blogging, with creativity and just being you! I’m going to tell my friends all about your blog and hopefully you will have some new followers. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the year unfolds and wish I had found you sooner….


  297. Hi! I don’t konw where are you writing this blog from, but I love it! I will start reading from Day 1 now. I also have a sewing machines and are konwn for having to elongate all my pants and skirts, etc. because nothing ever is long enough for me (I’m 6 feet tall). I also love to buy from the thrift store and even make things slook cuter. Thanks for being an inspiration!

  298. YOU are my hero! I should totally give this a go, or maybe I should just stop shopping altogether! LOVE this project, stay strong we’re cheerin ya on! A buck a day, that’s amazing!

  299. you need to be on Project Runway. srsly.

  300. WOW! You are just to freeking AWESOME!!! I’m so glad I found this blog! I might just have to pull that sewing machine out of the closet as soon as I get home! I love love your work!!!

  301. Hey just saw your article on yahoo and had to check out your site… inspirational is all i have to say… sometimes in life you need a little positivity and fun to reinforce what you should be doing and where you should be going in life… because while sitting down in your boring 9-5 you may lose the focus. Thanks for the inspiration,just coming on your site brightened up my day.
    xoxo form the Caribbean

  302. Hi, LOVE the blog and the upcycling of clothing you’re doing. I do the same thing, only never thought of having a blog or website tracking progress. I think that is awesome.:-D

    Other ideas for worn out clothing. I’ve T-shirts and blouses that have great color but small parts of them the dyes have discolored. It’s in places that unforutantly can’t be covered by another garment. Since I like the color and fabric and wish to not waste them, so I’ve figured on making them into a quilt.

  303. I just saw this on Yahoo.com you have some talent girl! Very cute!!! 🙂

  304. That is awsome! I love the idea! What can be more creative than buying smth for 1 $ and remaking it the way you see it. Hey, you rock! I am gonna definitely follow this great project!

  305. Wow! You are amazing! Reading your story and seeing all the pics… Wow! I feel like… I lost myself with family and work… I have always had a passion to sew but never acted on it… But reading your journey so far; I feel like everyone else, INSPIRED!

  306. I found your blog through the Yahoo link. What a great inspiration you are! Like you, I live in the LA area and love fashion but hate spending $$$ to look good. I’m a big thrifter/vintage shopper, but usually I’m happy if my entire outfit costs lest than ten bucks. The cute dresses you’ve made for only $1 are so great–my head is exploding thinking of the possibilities.
    Right now, I’ve got a vintage dress from the 70s I picked up at the La Bomba pile sale. It’s been sitting in my craft room for months waiting to be turned into a fun summer dress, but now I’m inspired to finish it this weekend.
    Do you have any other websites/blogs that you turn to for sewing help/inspiration?

  307. What a great idea and what an inspirational project!

  308. Awesome- I wish I had the ability to sew more than a button, This is so creative. Looking forward to seeing more!

  309. I was just feeling the same way!! I found out about you doing this last night and am now getting ready to go to my local thrift store to try it out! I love your sense of humor and fashion! I will be following your blog daily! Thanks so much 😀

  310. I ran across a story linking to your blog on Yahoo and thought “has she gone mad?!” but after reading and looking at before and after pictures for an hour (bye bye to the idea of being productive today), I must say I am absolutely amazed. I sewed a little in high school, redesigning pieces for costumes for the theatre department and have been looking for a good reason to break out the sewing machine for a new project. I have a few things hanging in my closet that need an update…you gave me some ideas and inspiration. Thanks!

  311. You are so cool! I love your blog and I’m sharing it with lots of people. Go you!!

  312. This is a great blog! I love vintage clothing and buying at thrift stores, but I’m missing out on a lot of great stuff just because I can’t sew very well and I am not creative. You should try to write a book teaching techniques to spruce up old clothing. I would totally buy it!

  313. Hello!
    I just discover your blog today, and it’s so beautiful!!
    All outfits are amazing!!
    You are really talented, you should to do your job!
    Sorry for the very bad english, i’m french!!

  314. Would love to interview you for my green/wellness site or a magazine! Love what you’re doing. What’s your favorite piece so far and where’d you learn how to sew?

  315. I discovered your blog today thanks to Yahoo.com and love it! I am so impressed by your creativity and talent- do I sense a fashion career?

  316. You work is such an inspiration. As a thrift-shopper myself, I appreciate the value of retooling a garment. But you have taken retooling to an all-new, amazing level! Congratulations on your success.

  317. You should definitely be featured on The Today Show! Go girlfriend! Maybe your creative juices will land you your dream job!

  318. Marisa,
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your idea and how you are going about it. I so wish I could sew so that I can make my own clothes.. Department store clothes are getting ridiculously expensive. With what you are doing – you get to be unique in your attire and so fashionable!! You are inspiring people to become proactive in their own life and stop making someone else rich by buying into theirs.

  319. Your idea is trully inspirational. I wish you all the best to reach your goal! You go girl!

  320. Brooklyn, NY
    Keep up the great work.. you are inspiring a whole lot of folks to spend less and enjoy life a little more. One is not rich by all the wealth one acquires(that helps a lil bit)- instead by all the moments you laughed and treasured with your loved ones around you…

  321. TOTALLY inspirational, girl! I hope the Yahoo feature (how I found your blog) brings you lots of new followers, which it looks like it already has!

    I have a trusty Singer machine which I’ve used to make all the curtains and throw pillows in my little house…for some reason, I’ve been afraid thus far to tweak with clothing. Garage saling is my fave pastime, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve passed by a great item of clothing because it was too big/too small/too frumpy/too whatever…although once I did make a garage sale skirt into curtains, but I digress…

    Thanks to your motivational blog, I’m going to try a clothing item! Hey, what do I have to lose but $1 and a few hours of time. Thanks again for the inspiration!

    With Love,
    Your newest Fan 🙂

  322. Congrats on your silver-lining! I love to see people seeing possibilties in job loss than hopelessness. I wish to be as creative as this! Your designs are positively inspiring!

    (Found you on yahoo!>> http://green.yahoo.com/blog/guest_bloggers/60/turn-ugly-dresses-into-nice-ones-for-1.html)

  323. This is super-fabulous. I love what you’re doing with your time, and with your dresses, it’s very inspirational and creative. Keep it up!

  324. Absolutely brilliant! You’re definitely an inspiration to creativity and action!

  325. You, young lady, are very, very creative and your ideas have sparked a whole new desire for me to get my sewing machine going again!

    One question: Do you personally buy each of these projects or do others try and trap you by bringing you something they want to stump you with?

  326. This is such an inspiration! I am going through a funk right now, like i need something more in my life all I do is work and school, I need an outlet….also my friend is feeling the same way. Then today I get online and I see a story about what you are doing and it is just awesome. I wish I could sew, this would be a great outlet for me.

  327. You are amazing. I wish i had had the insight and skills to do something like this. Maybe you’ll be become as popular as Julie from “Julie and Julia” and a movie can be made about your blog too! The outfits you create are adorable! You should create your own fashion line! I would totally buy!

  328. I love what you have done with your spare time! You could turn this into a side business selling you creations! The pieces you tailored are fantastic.

  329. I just got done looking at all of your amazing creations. I love shopping at thrift stores and flea markets, but have never thought to redesign the clothes. What a great idea. I can’t wait to see more!!

  330. I LOVE IT!!! I just read the article on yahoo and spent the entire morning at work going thru all your old posts! I can’t wait to see your next creation.

  331. Wow – what a great idea! I leafed through some of the creations – they really came out nice, very modern!

  332. Found your blog featured on yahoo and have to say I’m very much amazed by your work!! I can’t sew and don’t remember how to work a machine back from the home ec. days, but it seems like so much fun being able to fix clothes to your size! i got the urge to go to the thrift store this afternoon after work today!!! keep up the amazing work!

  333. oh my goodness this is so amazing ! you can make anything look beautiful :]

  334. I seriously just spent about 2 hours of my work day looking at your blog i am not offically obsessed with this project and your creations.. I am a horrible sewer/seamstriss, but i love vintage clothes and seeing this i want to make some of my own creations for cheap , im a college student and i live on a tight budget and i dont have the money to buy nicer clothes, i was wondering if you had any tips on where i can learn to hem and sew or anything like that.. Thanks so much.. Im wishing you luck in your journey!!

  335. I love what you are doing! I’ve always been a fan of thrift stores and the hunt for treasures! Now that we are going through such transitions in our lives whether its changing careers, starting a new business, or working from home, finding creative ways to re-design clothing is a phoenomenal idea and way to save beaucoup bucks!

    Sonia Gallagher, Esq.

  336. I’m a little late in the game, but I read about your blog on yahoo today. I love the outfits you are coming up with!! I wish I was half as talented. I’m excited to follow along!

  337. wow!

    such a huge energy you emanate!!! you have already got enough congratulations to make me tell you something else: your inspiration and power of joy… can contaminate others, and i am certainly one of them… i wonder; what will you do in your second year of inspiration? another wardrobe or an upgrade to this attractive daily playground you created?

    With deep deep deep feelings of being YOU,

  338. I think this is AMAZING! Now I’m going to have to check in weekly to see your before and after’s! I wish I had your talent!

  339. I just saw your blog on yahoo! i love your site. I’ve always wanted to do something like this. I am not very fashion forward and i wish i was. I never find ANYTHING at stores i like any more or that fit me right. You have given me the courage to change how i dress and no longer except what is in stores is all that is out there for me. I just signed up for some sewing classes in september and i am going to start taking control of my wardrobe. Thank you so much!

  340. You’re AWESOMEEEE! When I first saw your blog, the first thing I thought of was the movie Julia and Julie. This is a GREAT idea! Not only is this environmentally friendly but such a great way to express your creative juices! Thank you for doing this! I’m a fan now!

  341. This is so inspiring. I think I’ll explore my creative side thanks to your site!

  342. I love u blog. I know u probly get this alot but what u are doing is inspiring. and goodluck maybe one day you’ll have your own book.

  343. I think you are awesome, I love the things you come up with, and you have a great sense of humor, too. I actually found your blog, last night on the Yahoo! home page, when I was going to check my email.

  344. I’m not a very “manual” person. So I admire what other people can create in their minds and migrate into their art. I don’t have THE GIFT for such arts. God Bless yours. It’s been great to see the transformation you made to those awful 😉 dresses. I hope this experience develops into much more blessings and opportunities for you. I also like your funny comments, and the casual recipe (5 minute mug cake) mmmmmm!!

  345. Pingback: Wonder (verb): to be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel « It's the little things in life…

  346. Wow, you are so amazing and creative. I can’t even figure out how to turn my sewing machine ON let alone do anything with used clothes. So jealous but you are cute as a button! Great work!!!

  347. These before and after shots I’m seeing are so amazing, I wish I could be as good a seamstress as you! Such a cool idea (:

  348. I love your blog–fun, creative, and motivational. Have you thought about selling your pieces after you wear them? They are adorable!

  349. I think this is an amazing idea. Everything you’ve made so far is so beautiful. You’re awesome keep it up 🙂

  350. This is amazing!
    Your creations are fabulous – I wish I could come up with such a great idea! Hope it turns into something great for you 🙂

  351. wow! just found your blog from yahoo.com and I LOVE IT! you are fabulous!

  352. hello, inspiration!

  353. You are awesome! I read your whole blog at work and I’m just amazed! And your articles are always fun too! Keep it going!

  354. Love this idea!!!!! You should write a book when this is through and tell us all how to sew!!!!

  355. I stumbled across your blog and must say that you are a truely talented and amazing lady!! I love what you are doing just wish I had the ability to do it! I think you should start a business I would definitly buy! You are an inspiration and my new hero!!!

  356. i LOVE this idea! it’s so creative and you turn something completly out of style into something so chic and cute. keep up the work 🙂

  357. This is an awesome idea I should be in bed right now but am losing sleep because I am looking at all the pictures!! so inspired with your creative and innovative ideas! This is great!! I love it!! I will go to bed tonight with a thousand thoughts going through my mind and a new outlook on life. I myself am approaching 30 and I want to start trying new things and starting a “to-do things before I die” list. I think I owe it to myself before I start a family. hmmmmmm…so many thoughts…..good night and great job!

  358. I don’t know you, but I want to thank you for probably curing my overpriced shopping addiction. THIS BLOG IS OFFICIALLY THE HAPPIEST PART OF MY DAY!!!

  359. I needed to find this blog, I’m so glad I did. What you are doing is both environmentally & economically awesome! You have also given me hope, its nice to know there are still people in this world doing amazing and creative things.

  360. Amazing work. I’m not much of a sewer and I dream of being able to do 1/8 of what you’re achieving. I’m going to have a lot of fun following your blog!

  361. Just loved it…keep up the great work…may your all dreams come true :)…

  362. Zoraida Cespedes

    You are a great inspiration to so many young people; including myself. Thank You for sharing your talent with us. Keep up the great work.

  363. Wow! You know you show such infinite talent, I wouldn’t be that surprised to see you having your own clothing line soon.
    Lol, and being paid millions of dollars by famous celebrities to go out and pay a dollar and then remake it into a sexy style for them.

  364. My daughters and I are inspired by your project. We find ourselves dead flat broke just when my 12 year old has outgrown all her clothes and feels frumpy beyond belief. We are starting with fixing up some things we already have and then moving on the thrift store. I was feeling terrible that I couldn’t afford to buy her new clothes, now I’m thrilled to have such a fun project to do with her and her sisters.

  365. Hi! I’m from Malaysia. Found your blog, and i fell in love with it instantly! You’re an inspiration for me. I always like thrifty, preloved clothes, but the way you jazz them up is amazing. After I graduated, I’m thinking of joining sewing class, then maybe, follow your footsteps!

    Best of luck!

  366. I just saw a story about your blog on the yahoo.com homepage. So So So awesome! I am totally impressed!!!!

  367. Hi, Marissa. I just love your ingenuity. I stumbled upon your blog via yahoo yesterday and it’s just great. You have amazing style and fashion sense. Keep it up. God bless. ♥

  368. I love your frocks

  369. You are a genius! I just wanted you to know that you have already reached the other part of the world – Philippines! I regret not paying attention to my teachers during Home Economics subject. You totally inspire me and I want to start learning how to sew again..i will probably start with my daughter’s clothes 🙂 Good luck to me and more power to you!

  370. i love your idea i do the same thing with free stuuf i get from freecycle.org or on craigslist or what people give me but the catch is its all yard stuff plants, pots, benches that were in the dump so i think i may do this i actually try to do a project everyweek and i never spend more than 100.00 on a project because i am cheap not thrifty just cheap . i did make a nice little walk over bridge out of someones throw a way futon frame and i have stones and slates and all kinds of stuff donated to me beer cooler is actually a 1950s wringer washer maybe i will send you some pictures or get inspired to do my own blog you are great

  371. You are amazing and sooo inspirational! Let’s hope your story gets made into a movie! Cha-ching!!!!!

  372. Wow. This blog is awesome and I think you’re a wonderful inspiration to all who aspire to be creative. =)

  373. Wow, word even reaches Northeastern China! What a great idea. I wish the entire world would embrace life the way you have and not let the hard times get them down! You are an inspiration to everyone to take a sour situation and make it sweet, by doing what you love and helping others in the process! Keep it up and never hinder that imagination ofyours! 畅想!加油!

  374. i LOVE your creativity! i give u props for turning each and every piece of clothing into something fashionable and hip!

    did you take design/sewing classes before??

  375. I really love your idea
    now I’m gonna start sewing!!

  376. why don’t u try out for project runway? i mean u have the blog booster alone that would get you a hoopla of fans! could be your new creative life of actually getting your work and ideas paid for and out there!

  377. Love your creativity but what makes your blog so much more fun is your sense of humor!

  378. Wow, you are truly inspiring! I know that I am certainly looking at my wardrobe from an entirely different perspective! Things that I no longer wear are grabbing my attention and making me wonder “What would Marisa do?” Items that I would typically do away with are suddenly sticking around, waiting on me to revive them! Although I do not yet know anymore about sewing other than how to reattach a button, I am determined to learn! Thanks!

  379. This is one of the best ideas I’ve ever heard and seen. I hope all your awesome ideas will come true.
    +1 from Eastern Siberia

    Don’t give up there!

    By the way, can you invent something with winter coats (when it’s – 37 Celsius outside), please? I guess, we definitely need your inspiration here…

  380. You are a genius! I too love going to thrift shops to get clothes, however the only tweaking I do is pinning here and there with safety pins, and chopping off stuff I don’t like. I don’t know how to sew, but after oogling over your transformations, I’ll have to learn! I’m going off to college, so I’ll need all the frugality I can muster 🙂

  381. this is a phenomenal idea!

  382. Alison Christiansen

    WOW!!! This is really cool. Looks like you’ve found yourself alot of followers. My brother-in-law sent me the link for your blog and I love it! Its so neat to see what you can do with something so frumpy! Keep it up! I am excited to see what you’ll do tomorrow…

  383. What a fun and wonderful “365” project! Keep up the good work!

    I have my own watch-365-films-in-365-days project going too. Isn’t it a great way to make the most out of hobbies? 🙂

  384. I am in awe of your talent! To say that I’m amazed by what you’re doing does not suffice..I am beyond inspired by your creativity and dedication to your goal 🙂
    I think it’s wonderful that you found an outlet to explore your passion for fashion! It’s great to have you as an example of what people can do when they put their hearts into something.
    Although I discovered your blog a bit late (I just read about it via an article on Yahoo! the other day), I’m so glad to have found it..now I look forward to catching up & reading all of your earlier posts. 🙂
    Good luck and thank you!

  385. i can’t believe i’m about to say this but… i can’t wait to go muumuu shopping! you should’ve seen the look on my husband’s face when i shared that thought with him. priceless. you are an inspiration. thank you for sharing your creativity with the world (and thank you, yahoo, for putting on your homepage or i would have missed out on all the awesomeness…).

  386. You inspire me to go non-traditional SHOPPING in my Mom’s closet! She has the best fabrics that she will never use. Keep up the Fabulous work!
    I recently completed a 365 Day self-portrait project. Here’s the link…

    Day 1 > 365  The Challenge


  387. being someone that is super small, i wish i could make my own clothes. i am super jealous…

  388. I LOVE checking your blog everyday! I’m so glad Yahoo featured you! I’ve told a bunch of friends who have all been talking about your project too… we’re all kinda obsessed! Keep up the amazing work!

    p.s. if you ever went for a career in fashion, i would snatch up your whole line!

  389. Watch out, girl – they’re gonna give you your own show on cable soon!

    And I’d totally watch it!! I’ll admit, I haven’t touched a sewing machine beyond making a pillowcase, but you are motivating me to give this a good try for myself. But as a beginner, I’ll start with one dress per MONTH.

  390. Been following your site almost since the very beginning – it’s been a guilty pleasure! My coworker, Luci (think NY) told me what you were up to. I was so tickled to see you on Yahoo when I fired up my computer the other day. I’m sure you have WAY more followers than you know! Are you paying attention Media Moguls?

  391. Unbelieveable! I’ve been doing this kinda thing for my girls. They are a year apart and I like to change up what they are wearing, but I’ve never thought of doing this for myself. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  392. Nancy in Orlando

    WHAT ABOUT making a Christmas Tree from your collection of shoulder pads? Something cone shaped, than start at the bottom and glue them up sort of like shingles. They could be recovered with greens, or left au-multi-colored-natural.

  393. Nancy in Orlando

    Oh yeah, I thought of something to use for the cone for a shoulder pad Christmas tree; a roll of hardware cloth from Home Depot.

  394. So proud and inspired by your commitment! Keep it up – your “afters” look really great!

  395. You’re awesome! Wish I had the skill set to do something similar (every once and a while) with menswear….

  396. You are crazy talent! I love this idea. It gives everyone a new look on thift shopping. Thank you for allowing all of us to come along for the ride!

  397. I have to tell you that my best friend barely follows my blog daily, but she has found yours and WITHOUT fail clicks onto your blog to see what you have done. You are absolutely amazing! I wish I had the time and ideas that you have… ’cause this teacher needs a new wardrobe. 🙂

  398. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE !!!!

  399. Pingback: The Space Between My Peers » A New Dress A Day

  400. A year without clothing shopping?! You’re amazing! This is a neat idea. =)

  401. You’re awesome!

  402. This is my favorite blog ever, and that’s saying something! My sister and I are totally obsessed (but in an endearing and completely non-creepy way). Anyway, both my sister and I live on opposite sides of the country now, but when we go home to visit our parents, we want to borrow our Mom’s sewing machine and give this try, we’ve been so inspired by you. The problem is that neither one of us has any experience whatsoever. Do you have any book recommendations to get us started? You. Are. Amazing.

  403. this is awesome!!!! i have finally made my way through your entire blog so far, and i must say that you have truly inspired me! i went out to goodwill last night (dollar day yesterday. yay!) and found a couple of tasty items that i will soon be transforming thanks to you!!! i’ll probably send you a photo when i’m done 🙂 thank you for the inspiration and entertainment! i have become yet another one of your loyal followers.

  404. I love your project and your blog! It’s been a goal of mine for several years to learn how to sew, you have inspired me to finally do it. My 31st birthday is next week and what am I asking for?? A sewing machine and how-to book! If you are ever in the Tampa Bay area, let’s have a cocktail and talk dresses:)

  405. A friend just sent me this link, and I love it! I just had a baby and nothing fits me, yet I don’t want to buy a bunch of new clothes. I love to sew, but unfortunately sewing time and newborn … well, you know. Still, it’s inspiring. I’ll live vicariously though you!

  406. Totally love your style and determination! I rarely shop at malls anymore these days. I love updating old pieces, but my sewing machine is currently on strike, so I don’t get to do it very often. If you ever decide to sell any of your pieces (or run out of dresses to update) let me know. . . I’ve got lots of shoulder padded wonders I’d be willing to donate. . .

  407. Well, you officially have a copy-cat! I was gathering some stuff for a yard sale and started to see some hidden potential. Plus I ended up dusting off my ol’ sewing machine. Thanks for the inspiration!

  408. Im so excited about your blog! My friend showed it to me recently and I am hooked 🙂 I love being creative!! I was inspired (by you) and recently turned a very boring skirt into a really cute halter dress with a ribbon belt….Keep up the good work:)

  409. This is a great blog! I’ve made some alterations to pieces in the past, but you take it to a whole new level. You’ve inspired me to start sewing again and see what I can find and create. How long does it usually take you each day to make your outfit?
    Fight on!

  410. awesome! I really love your creations, especially the dresses! my whole family usually get our clothes from thrift stores because it’s a great way to save as my mom would say. we have to bring the clothes to the seamstress though if we want to have it altered because no one at home knows how to sew! I’ll tell my mom about this blog, maybe this will inspire her (and me) to acquire some killer sewing skills and get our old sewing machine working! XD

  411. You are so incredibly inspiring! I am so tempted to follow suit! Simply amazing, thank you! 😀

  412. Marissa, I’m so glad I found your blog! I’m enjoying your re designs and your words A LOT. I also feel so identified with you and your fans and I’ll definitely be following your blog, your work and your example from now on 🙂
    Thanks for sharing your creativity and thoughts!
    Greetings from Mexico to you and all of your fans 🙂

  413. Hi there 🙂
    My sister recently told me about your story being featured on Yahoo. I then got an email from Grist posting an article about your blog and creative journey. All I can say is this is an amazing, creative, and fun journey to embark on! After reading a few of your posts, I was hooked. It’s individuals like you Marisa that get me even more inspired and motivated to bring to life my creative desire. I wish you the very best fun and creativity; you have inspired many to let their creative minds flow freely 🙂

  414. Our society needs more inspiring people like you- creative, positive, determined and FUN. As I have read all of your blogs and the comments they have inspired over the past 24 hours I am wondering what would happen if all of the people who say they can’t just tried. Maybe the first effort wouldn’t be wearable but they are only out $1 and earned valuable experience for the next attempt. Sewing isn’t difficult. You just have to keep trying again. I HEART the effect you are having on your readers.

  415. Pingback: Given Pause… « The Auspicious Squirrel

  416. One of the ETSY girls just posted your site and I think it is amazing and so wonderful…I too love “the hunt” and vintage clothing, sewing etc. but your idea is just inspiring to all of us out there with your mindset! Keep going and can’t wait to see the next creation!
    I am trying to do the same thing with vintage and used jewlery pieces but only in my dreams could I do one a day!

  417. You are, um, kinda totally amazing! I am so following this journey of yours.
    Kudos to craftiness and being cheap in the BEST possible way!

  418. Wow I have to say that this is totally awesome! It’s making rethink a few items in the back of my closet that could just use an update. Your dedication to this is amazing and inspiring can’t wait to see what you have planned for tomorrow!

  419. Pingback: Viata NU bate filmul… — CINEMACITY

  420. Jeanne & Samantha

    Congrats Marissa!! The whole Flood family loves your blog. We just heard about your event for tomorrow and we are so happy for you. Send our love to your family!
    PS your dad is an awesome model!

  421. After I saw the shout out on yahoo, I had to check this out. I am caught up now & I have to say, although I cannot sew, this has made me want to be more creative in things that I can do & that’s decorate! I have been re-decorating my house like crazy all weekend! So…thanks for the creative juices!!!! You’re so talented & I love the outfits!

  422. You have inspired me!! ^_^

  423. This is Amazing!!! I have always loved finding pieces of old clothing in my house and trying to make something beautiful out of them… this is inspiring me to start doing exactly that again! your work is amazing! Thank you!

  424. Love this! Way to go!

  425. Wow! You are incredibly talented. I’ve always wanted to try repurposing clothing. Not much of a clothes person, more of a quilter, but I might just have to give something like this a try!

  426. This is so brilliant that I had to blog about it! 🙂


    Keep up the fabulosity!!!

  427. I’ve been a long time thrift store shopper. In fact I would say about 90% of my wardrobe comes from thrift/vintage shops (and not the trendy ones! ha). I’ve always found myself thinking, “Eh, maybe I’d buy this if it was a little bit shorter, a little more tailored, etc.” Thank you for showing how it’s done. Guess I’ll go dust off my sewing machine now and give it a whirl 🙂

  428. Pingback: A New Dress every day around $1, oh yes she did! | The Fierce Glamour

  429. Just wondering….how long have you been sewing? I just got a machine because I have the desire to learn. I’d love to do what you are doing. It’s very inspiring.

  430. Love your idea and your blog. I am forced to shop at thrift stores due to my medical mess. I still need clothes to wear and my old ones fell apart. I would love to try to transform some I find. You’re an inspiration. You could easily end up on Tim Gunn’s design show “Project Runway”. Give it a try. You could give them a run for their money! Lucky you and good luck!

  431. LOVE this!! what an awesome idea!
    I am from Australia and found an article about you on time.com.
    Am a long time Wardrobe Refashioner:
    but on a much smaller scale: 1 or 2 items every couple of months at best!
    This site is such an inspration: I cant wait to tackle something in my refashion pile: you are amazing!!!

  432. Very cool idea! Love the pices you have showcased. Good luck on the rest of your journey… I’ll enjoy reading about it! 🙂

  433. I saw the article on Yahoo fashion section, and wanted to check it out. I also love thrift shopping, and still can’t get over how much clothing and things are out there, not being used by anyone. I love what you’re doing, I’m inspired!

  434. loved that movie!
    and i was inspired to.
    short lived though.

    keep up the great work!

  435. I started ripping hems out of out clothes since I came across your blog from yahoo last week, and boy, do you make it look easy! u have totally inspired me to do something I have always wanted to do –take a sewing class! Thanks!

  436. this is absolutely amazing! i just found your blog today off of a fashion forum and i’ve gotta say i’m truly addicted. i’ve browsed through page 13 and i’m still going =) i just love seeing the before and after pictures. they absolutely blow my mind. keep up the good work. you’re very dedicated! and have an awesome sense of style 😀

  437. Fantastic site…. check out my blog called The Thrifters daily I hit thrift stores and shop for recycled luxury and you would be surprised as to what I find. Check it out.

  438. You have achieved immortality in my personal creative pantheon. You are my hero.

  439. Love your site. It’s funny…since reading your posts, you’ve inspired me. Whenever I fall in love with a dress or skirt that’s too big for me, I imagine how I can cut, shorten, and embellish it to make it work. Actually, I imagine how my mother can cut and shorten it while I add embellishments to make it work. Very entertaining blog!

  440. Pingback: Marisa Day: Inspired by New Dress a Day

  441. I want to know what you do with all that clothing. I cannot imagine what your closet must look like! I would love to see you with a TV show of your own. And I have a couple of outfits I’d send to you!

  442. Pingback: New Dress A Day Blog Takes Consumerism Out of the Fresh Fashion Equation | Green Prophet

  443. I’m a newcomer to this little party, but I just love it! Saw my first week’s worth of outfits about two weeks ago, and had to scramble to catch up. Consequently, I did less reading and more scrolling through photos. When I hit an after photo that gave me pause to wonder, how did she do that? I went back and read the blog on those outfits. People comment on the outfits being amazing, but it strikes me that it is your vision that is amazing. I liken it to the way a sculptor looks at what the rest of us see as a blob of clay and already knows what is inside the blob. It is the sculptor’s role to bring it out so the rest of us can see it. I have no skills in this particular arena. I can’t even sew a button back on w/out the fabric puckering, which means I just admire your talents all that much more. In the 270+ outfits to date, there was only ONE that didn’t just make me giggly. Not a bad average. Not bad at all! I, too, am not as tiny as you are, so if ever you were to expand this project, try sewing for big girls. I have no self-esteem issues. I rock my clothes, but they are all store-bought. Would love to see home-made for the big girls!

  444. This is amazing. Just reading this everyday makes my day. I always wake up to it. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  445. Been lurking since your Yahoo! debut’… so fun to watch! I am inspired by your personal story and creativity. I, too, have found myself in a “life funk” and am searching for a new direction and your project has given me some spark and hope – thanks so much!!

  446. My sister in law just showed me your blog, You’re absolutely awesome! love the dresses, you should start your own clothing line! Unique pieces for 10 bucks! get 900 percent profit! jaja!

    Greetings from Colombia!


  447. You rock! You inspired me to try re-working a thrift store dress (on a WAY smaller scale!) & I am writing a post later in the week about it on my blog. And I’m going to talk about you & your inspiring project.

    Warmly, Michelle

  448. What a creative concept! I love what you’ve done so far, and you are inspiring me to go thrift store hunting for “new” clothes.

  449. Awesome idea! Goodluck – I’m following you!

  450. Pingback: Celebrate Blog Day « Yohanna T's Blog

  451. Amazing project!!! You’re so creative. 😀

  452. You really inspired me with the work that you are doing! I am not that old but it has always been my dream to be in fashion some day, and because of you i am starting to take sewing classes and really starting to believe in myself as a designer!!! So thank you for starting a new me and letting me go for my dreams because I really do believe in myself. Also i wanted to ask if you self taught yourself or you went to classes? But really thank you so much for helping me i appreciate it more than you image.
    Thank you,
    P.S. ( You need to go on project runway!!!!!)

  453. Your site was inspiration for me. I find myself looking at your finds and analyzing what I would do to them before I look at what you do. I have found some local thrift shop finds of my own to transform, though it may take me more than a day apiece. It is unbelievable that I found 7 new outfits for $12.84; one of them was 100% silk!

  454. I adore your blog! I have already shared it with my friends. I too love to visit thrift stores, yard sales, etc. Most of the time I purchase furniture and home decor items but more and more I have been buying clothing items. My next blog entry will be about some of my recent vintage clothing finds. Your blog is very creative! Genius! Keep up the good work.

  455. I was alerted of your blog by a friend who reads it. I, too, repurpose clothes from the thrify’s– too bad they aren’t sellin’ for a buck around here :(. It is great to see someone else giving some TLC to some “oldies but goodies” And– some of your ideas I never would have thought of — so thanks for sharing your creativity. I went back to the beginning and have read through-… now- on day 90 something to go… I just don’t know what I will do when the year is up… 🙂

  456. Just starting reading and I’m hooked! I was wondering a couple things though…how do you budget for things like thread, new buttons etc, and do you keep and re-use bits you cut off, buttons, zips, etc?
    I have bought some clothes recently that I actually had planned to use in my diaper sewing projects as they are polyester, but I like the prints. I just wish the vintage (1970s?!) fabric was better.

  457. I have to say this is really inspiring, I have found that sewing is kinda relaxing. I myself have been doing somethings like this lately, since I am only 14 I and have no job other than baby-sitting and I buy my own clothes it gets hard, so I go to good will or savers and make it something new. The item that I’m working on right now is a skirt made of different pairs of pants that are either to small or have holes in them. I do have a sewing machine in my house but I don’t know how to work it, so I am hand sewing all of my clothes, its nice to know I’m not the only one doing this whole “make something old into something new” thing. I will definatly be keeping up with this blog!

  458. Jennifer Ramirez

    You are totally my inspiration! I cannot sew at all, but thanks to you I have started dyeing my clothes. I had a bunch of sweaters and such with ugly rust stains that would not come out. Now I have a bunch of beautiful sweaters in different shades with no rust stains to be seen!!! Thank you!!!

  459. All I have to say is WOW! I have over the years modified many Salvation Army finds into a Halloween costume, but you have brought this to a whole new level. I am totally inspired to give this a shot. I think I’m going to start “shopping” in my own closet…

  460. I love seeing you turn all these unwearable clothes into something that works! 🙂 Sometimes I wish I had time to sew…

  461. Why are you so creative, and how do you have time to not only do this, but to take pictures of it and blog about it??? Hats off to you!!

  462. Wow, the will power that will be needed not to shop at Nordstroms. Bon Chance.

  463. Follow your blog daily ever since I saw the article on Yahoo! about it. I’m afraid I’ve become a “NDAD” addict! 😀

  464. You really need to consider auditioning for Project Runway’s next season. You are FANTASTIC 🙂 keep it up!

  465. Marisa, I’m not sure what has happened but I am no longer receiving the email notifications on your blog post updates. 😥 Help!!! I can’t go on without the updates 🙂

  466. I Love love LOVE your blog.

    It brings me so much joy to see what you’re able to create with such bizarre/ridiculous/insane/unwearable dresses! It’s such an inspiration for me to get in front of the sewing machine and go to town.

    Thank you SO much for putting this blog out in the public space for all of us to enjoy!

  467. Couldn’t hurt to have another person saying “KUDOS!” publicly. So proud of you and all your awesome designs and writing.

  468. oh wow! I absolutely love love love your blog!!! I love the final product, particularly when it comes out of clothes that look hideous (oops).
    I would never have the patience to sit and sew… I am not even sure if I want to, but you should open an online store for all your creations 🙂
    Happy sewing! Looking forward to more creations!

  469. holy freaking jeepers! I just now found your blog and I am so inspired! (how in all my blog reading have missed this???) My one and only time doing this was taking a crazy 70’s Hawaiian red Mumu w/ white swiss dots and an out of control ruffle neck line (think Naomi from Mama’s Family) and turning it into a cute little skirt with a ruffle trim.

    now you’ve got my gears turning.. maybe i’ll have to take some inspiration to get my creativity going more consistently. Love it!

  470. Took me two days but I just finished reading your entire blog from to start to finish. I.love.it. You are so creative! I’m 19 weeks pregnant and finding cute affordable maternity clothes has been one heck of a challenge, but after seeing some of your outfits I now think that I can totally do it and turn some awesome finds into some chic maternity wear! Thanks!

  471. I know you’re probably sick of all these comments but I thinks this is a great plan! I greatly admire you for a) your ability to come up with this sort of thing
    b) perseverance in actually going through all this (I tend to give up too soon :S)
    c) creative talent! I am terrible at re-sewing already professionally sewed items so this is really incredible!
    Good luck!

  472. I’m hoping that you kept a scrap-bag going , for the waste fabric . I keep a labled ” rag-bag” going under my sewing area . When it’s full , it gets tossed into our towns’ donate bin . The “Community Larder” then gets paid “by-the-pound” and can keep food in stock for the needy . Great blog , otherwise ! You crack me up !

  473. I think that is pretty awesome! I had a friend who did the exact same thing… mostly to do her part for the environment and to make a statement about consumerism. Alhtough inspired by you both I have to admit I am not ready to take a similar action. Hopefully all the above positive comments will keep you feeling positive and moving forward. Cheers!

  474. Marisa! Love love love this site and you have totally inspired me to use my sewing machine for something I might wear instead of drapes or pillows or other sweet house stuff. I’m so into it.

  475. this is amazing im inspired that your doing something so great instead of just think of what it would be like! its extremely creative and wonderful good luck ! 🙂

  476. Congrats Marissa! I love your blog Thank for your share.

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