What have I gotten myself into?

So here’s the deal friends, I’m going to be spending the entire year without doing an ounce of traditional clothing shopping. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “this girl is outta her gourd”, and I completely agree with you.

I was having a personal creative-funk-crisis this year and needed a bit of inspiration. Maybe it was because I was in the midst of turning 30 or perhaps it came from being overworked in a job that I luckily got laid off from – but what was for sure was that I was in a rut.

And then a Saturday afternoon viewing of Julie & Julia changed everything.  Now I didn’t want to cook my way through Julia Child’s French cookbook – je parle un peu Francais, but coq au vin just isn’t my thing – however, I did want to do something that would get my creative juices flowing everyday. And then the aha moment came to me.

The thing that makes this girl happiest is scouring flea markets, vintage stores and garage sales for the perfect pieces to add to my wardrobe. I love finding vintage goodies that may not fit me perfectly or translate well with the current state of fashion and then make them work on me. (thank you Tim Gunn – “make it work” has become my mantra) I get out my trusty sewing machine to change hems, cut sleeves and tweak to transform a lowbudge piece that had it’s moment back in 1976 and give it another shot today, decades later.   I have to say that whenever I wear my handmade pieces, I always get complimented and the best part is getting to tell everyone that I bought it for $1 and just shortened it, dyed it or cinched it to make it chic and current.

So, that’s where my ode to no traditional shopping begins.  This year, I will be foregoing trips to Bloomies and Nordstrom for brand new gear. Goodbye to H&M purchases and accessory grabbing at Forever 21. And seeing the “must have” French Connection dress in People’s Style Watch will just have to suffice as a cut out on my inspiration board.

Instead, the only shopping that I’ll be able to do is that of pieces that have been used and worn already.  So long to mall trips and hello to sifting through piles of vintage pieces at flea markets and at neighborhood garage sales. Each day for the entire year, I’m going to introduce a new piece into my existing wardrobe that I’ve found from these places.  On top of this, I’m giving myself a budget of $1 a day.

One person’s trash is becoming my treasure this year.

365 days. 365 items of clothing. 365 dollars. And the blogging begins…

78 responses to “What have I gotten myself into?

  1. Yay Maris! So glad to finally read about your adventures in sewing! How can Ann and I become members to get your posts as they go up?!

  2. I’m hooked! You are so fabulous, I love how creative you are! This is a fabulous idea…I can forsee a large following already…I will be following my dear! Love ya!

  3. Michelle Brechtel

    You are such an inspiration to all of us who aspire to be creatively fashionable but didn’t think we had it in us! Looking forward to your updated blogs! Thank you!

  4. Hey Marisa such a great idea and congrats keep up the great work.

  5. Wow! You are an inspiration to those of us who want to be creative but don’t make the time. I believe your blog just inspired my christmas gift to my husband. Rock on lady!

  6. marisa, im in love with this idea! you are a genius! im so entertained and am in anticipation for your future fashion concoctions!

  7. AMAZING!!!!!! Marisa, I read the whole blog starting from day 14 backwards!!!!! I am SO impressed, and so proud of you! Now, the only question is who will play you when Nora Ephron comes calling…. 🙂

  8. Just went through all your posts so far and you’re amazing! Keep it up! I’ll be rooting for you this year!!

  9. From Cup of Jo, I’ve just found your blog. So now I’ve read back through to day one and I am amazed. This is so inspiring! I can’t wait to see the rest of your year. Good luck!

  10. I love your idea!! This is brilliant!!!

  11. I’d really like to know whether you have an actual PRINCIPLE against wearing anything twice? It seems so wasteful. I’d like to see more of your photos taken without flash. And I’ve decided to secretly give you a nick-name: “Snaggle Puppy”. I have to wonder whether somebody bet you you couldn’t get the words “snag” and “puppy” (and possibly “pick up” into 87% of your posts.
    But it’s sort of economical – especially if you ENJOY going through the garage sales and thrift shops. It would be fun to hear more about that.
    Good luck!

    • I saw your comment and I’ve secretly come up with a nickname for you: Rudy McRuderstein. I just found this site and I think it’s totes mcgotes amazing, and I think it’s really just sad when people try to denigrate other people’s work. And to insinuate that it’s principle-less is absurd, Rudy, these are wasted garments that would just be thrown out otherwise and she’s making them into something useful. It’s not like she’s shopping at Saks and buying a new outfit every day. Sheesh, Mrs. Ruderstein, leave Snaggle Puppy alone!

  12. You are an inspiration. Great idea! I don’t have words good enough to describe this. 🙂

  13. I like it! And you make me miss SoCal.

  14. the french girl that I am just love the idea!!!!!

  15. this is so exciting! I had to start at the beginning so I wouldn’t miss anything 🙂 Good job coming up with such an awesome eco (and budget) friendly idea!

    ❤ Clare

  16. I love it! Found you via Craft. 😀

    Starting at the beginning…but I love everything already!

  17. Hello!
    I won’t be original in my comments, but I LOVE your idea and I wish I’d have the guts to do the same. I found some interesting pieces such as a yellow leather jacket, a fur coat, a vintage baby blue lacegown, a sexy speedo, etc. They are sleeping in my closet waiting for me to do something as funky as what you’re creating. I’m your new #1 fan, here on the North Shore of Québec! Not quite the same weather as what you’ve got in your area!
    Kee up the good work and borrow a better camera, maybe? The quality of your pictures don’t do justice to your beauty.

  18. Chandra Dickson

    For the last year, I’ve only bought clothes I can buy at thrift stores in bag sales ($11 for as much as you can fit into a brown paper sack. I’m becoming a pro at getting at least 30 pieces in a bag) but I often turn down pieces with stains. I’ve never thought about dyeing them! And, now I think I’m going to have to learn to sew a bit more too! Thanks for the inspiration.

  19. Your ideas are so cool!!! I love what you have done to some pieces!! You are a great inspiration.

  20. Hey there!

    I’m Brazilian, totally into vintage things and absolutely love your idea. I’m not gonna start doing the same thing as you – even because I don’t know how to sew that well – but you definitely inspired me to do sth with the old stuff in my wardrobe and with the dresses my grandma left when she died.
    One suggestion I’d like to give you is using the pads as top part of a dress, for example. It might look quite nice. =)
    Keep up doing the good work! 😉

  21. Hello! I just spent the entire evening reading your blog and not doing my homework…thank you for the lovely distraction. Your work is inspirational and I now have a strong desire to run to Goodwill, find a muumuu, and get to work! Good luck with the rest of your year. I look forward to seeing more of your pieces and reading your witty writing style. Keep the creative juices flowing! 🙂

  22. wait a minute, you are thirty? i would never have guessed, maybe twenty one. i guess now its wasnt so bad geting laid off from that job, ha?

  23. i love your project.
    inspired me for sewing.
    actually Julie&Julia impressed me to do something but dont have time really. if i have chance, i’ll do something like that.

  24. So…here I am the girl from the 70’s lookin’ at the girl from 2010 …… so, I wasn’t a flower child…but close. I am enjoying the creativity but mostly enjoying how happy it’s making you and everyone that is following your blog. Joy. Pass it on.

  25. Pingback: $1 per day for a dress! « nisha's territory

  26. Hey Girl,
    WOW!! I gotta say I also watched Julie & Julia and also felt the inspiration to do something creative as well. I also turned 30 this year and love to be sew. I sewed all my daughters crib bedding while I was pregnant but now that she is here I have a hard time finding time….I will continue to watch all the creativity you have in making your spectacular creations. Go Girl…You inspire me!!

  27. I just found your site. I love it! I’m telling my friends about it. It is so nice to find someone who knows how to spell and write. Your blog is hilarious and you are clearly a very well spoken girl! Happy very-belated 30th! Keep up the great transformations!

  28. just saw an article on you on yahoo.com. I’ve spent the past few hours reading your blog. I love your creativity and many of your pieces. Wish you the best of luck.

  29. Like several of the commenters before, I have just spent my entire evening reading backwards through your blog. Several of the ensembles are fantastic. I especially like the more detailed instructions in the later entries. I will have a new eye for possibilities in future thrifting forays.

  30. I’ve just scanned every blog post…

    your work is PERFECTION! I am so impressed and inspired! You are so creative and talented – what a great idea!

  31. This is an amazing idea for a blog! I am so excited to follow it!

  32. Simply brilliant! Bravo!

  33. I came across an article about you and I think your creations are wonderful. You should consider putting them in a book with the directions as you have on your website. I would purchase it. 🙂

  34. I am very intrigued by this adventure. I hope you can get through it. I am rooting for you going all the way, all 365 days! Good luck, break a needle.

  35. Amazing ideas and love the blog. I would love to shop in your boutique 🙂

  36. You’re so creative and your outfits are AWESOME!! I think I may have found myself a new hobby… =) So excited to follow!

  37. You are quite the inspiration!! I love what you do. What an exciting thing to do! I just looked over all of your stuff. Now I’m going back to read in more detail. Can’t wait to see how the year will end!

  38. I found this yestureday, I was amazed at your creativity! I wish I knew how to use a sewing machine now!

    P.S. Can’t wait to see more!

  39. Haha, I guess I wasn’t the only one who discovered your blog via Yahoo! I just read backward over Every. Single. One. of your blog entries and LOVE IT! I will definitely be coming back.
    Keep up the fantastic work!

  40. I also was ‘enlightened’ to your blog spot on Yahoo. It’s absolutely wonderful! I am from a family of 7 kids [me being the oldest] and I learned early on that 20.00 at the thrift store or yard sales gives you SO much more than the store! I love your ideas and congratulate you on your persistance. It’s hard to do ANY thing for a year!!! And yes, I looked at every single one of your transformations. Good Luck!

  41. Shhh… I just spent about three hours at work going backwards through your blog… it’s truly an inspiration, but not only clothing-wise. You seem to be very intelligent, funny, and upbeat, with a (hard to find) good grasp of words and spelling etiquette.
    I will be following, keep up the good work.

  42. This would be harder to do in England, but by stocking up at jumble/rummage sales it might just be possible. I have a lot of things I’ve bought at thrift or rummage because “they could be made useful”. Perhaps now is the time to emulate your industry.

    Cheers from England,

  43. I Love You! You are a genius! I used to love buying vintage items before i had my kids, but since then it is just easier to pick something up from the sale rack at Target. I am going to embark on a copycat project to regain my identity, which i seem to have misplaced somewhere around three years ago. I hope i can keep it up like you and that it will get my creativity meter going.

  44. You are soooo talented – and fun – what a great idea!! I’m a big fan of “thrift” stores myself – haven’t actually purchased any new clothes in about 2 years. No need, when I can pick up an awesome pair of custom embellished (and gorgeous jeans) for $2.50 – that other women just can’t stop oohing and aahing over! And then there were the $250 hand-crafted brocaded pumps (I actually found them online – each pair is made individually by a husband and wife team)…..with the most amazing gem-encrusted butterfly on the peep toe of each pump….paid $5.00 for them – and they had never been worn!! Bargains rock!!
    So much fun to have found your blog………yay!!!

  45. I’ve just spent the whole day at work “not working” and sneaking in time to read your blogs… Although vintage is not something I am into and some of the items you picked out were horrific, I loved the transformation. You made nothing into something so beautiful. People make time for what’s inportant to them and I see that you are loving what you do. One question… What will you do when your year is over?

  46. Hi there! Well, I saw your blog advertised on yahoo.com and I looked at every post! I am truly amazed at most of the outfits you’ve done!

    I am sewing challenged (broke every sewing machine I’ve tried to use) and don’t have the creativity for this kind of thing, but I forwarded it to my sisters who like to create new things.

    I’ve really enjoyed your blog!


  47. Like many others here, I have also turned 30 this year. I think what you are doing is amazing! I have spent several hours this evening reading your blog and I think your projects are great. Keep up the great work!

  48. You totally remind me of my mom. She used to make some killer skirts in the 70’s that she still has. You have given me soooo many ideas of what to do with her old stash of disco gear!! Thanks a bunch!!

  49. Also saw of your blog on Yahoo
    By strange coincidence watched Julie & Julia last night for the first time.
    This idea is more up my alley.
    Love what you are doing, your writing is as good as your creative ideas.
    For those who sew, it is no longer affordable for many.
    Hopefully this will inspire others to save money on their wardrobes and recycle at the same time. It is definitely an affordable way to get back into sewing. Kudos to you, I am sure you are inspiring many of us.

  50. All your dresses are fabulous… Good luck

  51. My cousin sent me an email about your blog so I decided to check it out. This is very inspiring. I can only sew a crappy slip stitch by hand…me and the sewing machine have never quite gotten a long 😦

    I am seriously in awe of this, I am doing a “365 days of photos” project, which just requires me to take one photo a day…I am on day 230 and I haven’t missed a day, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t sometimes left it right until 11:59 to get a shot. My project is seriously pathetic by comparison! I will have to try harder on the last 135 days of my year!

  52. Like several of the last people who commented I too just spent the evening going through all of your blog entries from the most recent to the first. I found out about your blog through the Yahoo article. I am totally impressed and inspired. I love your twist on the Julie/Julia idea. I love both thrift store shopping and sewing as well. I have just recently become unemployed and am rapidly approaching a significant birthdate (2yrs to 50) I have found that this period of time without a job has proven to be full of revitalization and inspiration. I count your blog as part of the latter. I am getting a much later start than you have had, but honestly am feeling closer to 30 than I have in a long time with all of the opportunities for creativity that have opened up for me recently. Keep up the creative, artistic approach to your clothing and blog. I look forward to seeing your new creations as I continue to follow your blog.

  53. You are an inspiration! 🙂 Such determination and will is admirable. I also want to do something I like every day, as a way to develop my skills as well….

    Keep it up and know that you have talent! 🙂

  54. hi, i just saw your article on yahoo 3 days ago…and got really hooked… i spent the last 3 days going through all your posts…and they’re all amazing!! i’m from the philippines and i just love what you did with the Filipino “barong”…t’was super chic! loved it so much… me and the gals here in the office just got inspired and want to go thrift shopping almost immediately… better yet…start some sewin’ lessons just yet.. 🙂 looking forward to a successful 365 days..365 new dresses… and counting… love ya!

  55. i literally just read your whole blog in one sitting. good stuffs=)

  56. Hey Marisa,
    I stumbled across this today on Yahoo’s homepage. Your idea is amazing!! Your pieces are fantastic and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading this. You are an inspiration as well as an amazing distracting from my work day! 🙂

  57. This is amazing. My friend just sent me the link and Ive looked at all of your creations to date. You are too cute and very talented. Cant wait to see what you make next! x0x Claire

  58. I saw the Yahoo article and loved the idea of your blog. While many of the ideas are relatively the same and simple (cut off the hem, cinch the waist with belt), they nevertheless looked loads better and clearly you got more and more fantastically creative as you warmed up to the task and the days added up! My favorite entry was when you turned that Dynasty dress upside-down and made it into a fabulous tunic. Genius. Most of the pieces you bought were butt-ugly, and wham! What a transformation!

    My only hope as your fame grows (and you know it will!) is that more people don’t start to get ideas about chopping up the more collectible and rare vintage, which isn’t always so obviously identifiable to the untrained eye. In recent years I’ve seen horrors and travesties—chopped hems and sleeves on beautiful 40s and 50s dresses that had nothing wrong with them, bows and embellishments added, etc that are just *wrong*. I saw that you did alter a couple of 50s pieces but one skirt had some pretty ugly bead placement and the other had torn up armpits, so IMO no harm done.

    I do agree that ugly is ugly, and those ugly pieces need some serious help, however I would hate if the more iconic pieces of past generations were to disappear at the hands of the ever-growing population of DIYers. Even some of the cooler looking Dynasty dresses have a place in history…I sold a fantastic Silk Leopard Dynasty dress that I would cry at being chopped.

    That public service announcement aside, your blog rocks! 🙂

  59. hello there!

    i just tumbled upon you blog & read all trough it. i am so loving your project & your style! (:

    i will luckily be watching how you manage to do the last coming up days until day 365 & wish you good luck with it!


  60. Hi! Like so many others before me, I also found your blog on Yahoo and for the past few days have gone through the ENTIRE thing backwards!!! Love. Love. Love it!! 😀 You are so talented and have a fab eye for things! I do love seeing what you do with those terrible pieces of clothing and totally rocking them out in the end, but I espesh ADORE your great personality!! You are so fun!! We are the same age and I always get your little references and silly speak and I too, am excited and bubbily a lot…which you totally seem to be! I know this sounds totes middle school right now….but I would love to be your friend!! Haha! 🙂 Anywho, I am a BIG fan now and I am going to tell all my friends to check you out!! Laters, Anna
    PS: PLEASE don’t stop after your year is up! Perhaps your next go ’round can be $2 a day! Haha! Good luck! 🙂

  61. You are amazing wow!!!!! I will continue to follow and enjoy your creations and I also love how photogenic you are and how everything looks really nice on you, the poses and places you pick to model your outfits. I cant wait to give this a try. Thank for the inspiration.

  62. Marisa, you’re amazing. You’ve inspired me to learn how to sew and start adjusting my own pieces of clothing. I really like that you started adding the how to process between the before and after; that will definitely come in handy!

  63. A friend just sent me a link to your blog. I don’t sew much anymore but I love your creativity and I absolutely LOVE how you challenged yourself in such an amazing way! I immediately sent the link to my nieces and daughters and any other woman under 40 that I know! My “thing” is women’s and community history as told thru the quilts women made. karenquilt.blogspot.com

  64. Decided to read everything from the Day 1! I can tell you already, we’ve been there, growing up in Ukraine in 80-90’s. Used to make myself miniskirts out of mom’s clothes, made my highschool graduation dress with help of a good taylor but…. used a wedding dress from a second hand shop (liked the fabric) and made earrings of pieces of old mom’s brouche.

    Before I got busy with adult life and work I bought… only shoes! Most of my clothing was knitted and sewed at home. Now I miss that time and your blog came like a breath of fresh air!

    Best of luck! …….. and I am back to reading!

  65. Leslie MacKenzie

    Your site is so inspiring. I’m just back into sewing after years away. Now I feel like challenging myself to do something with great fabric and ugly dresses.

  66. I found your blog through Sew Hip, and …wow. Just wow. I read backwards all the way to the beginning . You are so creative and funky! I’m especially inspired by your fearless fabric choices – anything from silk crepe to polyester doubleknit. I’m totally inspired to get some thrift store goodies and experiment with sewing different types of fabric. And your RIT dye work is genius! Girl, you are my new online BFF ❤
    Thank you for this!

  67. When I was in high school and early in college I used to love buying dresses in thrift stores and refashioning them. Reading through this blog over the last few days has been inspiring and uplifting! (Like many others, I have recently discovered your blog through the press attention it has received). The creativity and adventure of your project reminds me of the fun old days. Thanks–I needed that. I think I’ll begin a project or two now. . .

  68. Read all of it over several days, Speechless! Great technique, style and pairing of accessories. Don’t give up! Its downhill from now on. Love it. Used to life in the Val and enjoyed all the things you are doing, places you are going, etc. Saw Elton John at Hollywood Bowl in 1973. probably wearing one of your vintage originals when it was brand new, LOL.

  69. Yeay! I finally made it to the very first post but it really didn’t take me long to read all 265 (which is the day I started on). You’re fashion sense and creativity are inspiring and I’ve never wanted to go thrift store shopping so badly! Alas, I live in Japan and not many items, new or vintage, are large enough to be reworked for this nearly 6′ frame of mine. Guess it’ll have to wait till the next trip stateside. Until then, I’m considering diving into my own closet and revamping some pieces that have been collecting dust for too long. Thanks Marisa!!

  70. I think that what you are doing is amazing and wonderful, and very creative! I have been inspired to get my sewing machine out and rework some of the things I own that are too big, need some TLC, and can’t wait to find some deals and make some amazing clothes with! Thanks so much for making this blog, I’ve enjoyed reading every day since my friend told me about it (that was back on day 200 or so) and have gone back and read every day, backlogged.

    I have been really impressed with your use of RIT dye, and can’t wait to get my hands on some to possibly dye some finds (once I start looking for things). Very cool ideas and colors and inspiration, really. Also, very good writing and story-telling. Fun to read. (PS- can’t wait to see what you do with all the shoulder pads left over!!)

    I may try to do something similar to this, (i.e. an outfit a day through maternity) once my hubs and I get pregnant. That is hopefully going to happen before the end of this year- but just wanted to say THANK YOU for the inspiration, ideas, and awesome creative stories and adventures! 🙂

    You rock!

    ~Running Fox in NJ

  71. wow, i just came across your blog. what an amazing idea!! i think this is wonderful!! how inspiring!! i hope it’s going great and you’ve learnt and got all the inspiration you’re looking for. i know you’re not done yet, but wow!! this is great!

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