Tag Archives: smock

Day 49. 316 days and $311 left to go.

Today’s number had a smock-ish look to it, borderline lunch lady gear. Like it could have been something I wore in art class in 4th grade over my Lés Miserables T to ward off florescent yellow and pink paint that was supposed to go on an African clay mask (I believe that clay mask is currently in my parents’ storage room and I may have to retrieve and wear it as a necklace at some point).

Day 49 - Before

Day 49 - Before

There were these belt loops (I believe they were belt loops) on the dress that I’m pulling at above.  It was rather high for these loops to sit, so that was my first plan of action…remove the loops!  It was also a bit big and shapeless, which has been the trend as of late with the dresses that I’m coming across, so I wanted to bring it in.  Just some removing and tightening was all that was needed to turn this frocky-smock around.

Day 49 - After

Day 49 - After

A little addition to this piece was a fun über peach sash that I created with some of the extra fabric that I had from Day 7.  Took the excess, trimmed the edges clean, and tied it around my waist.  It brought out the pinks/reds in this dress, which I thought was a fun little accent.  The perfect, comfy Friday outfit to end the work week with!  Woo hoo!!

PS – Little note my friends, as tomorrow is Day 50 (O.M.Geez!!), I’m taking this act to Vegas, baby!  As we may be up and out until the wee, wee hours Saturday night, you’ll be receiving that post on Sunday afternoon.  Sleep in, grab some Starbucks and a bagel, watch some football (Yay JETS!!) or Jersey Shore (Yay Snooks!!) and by early afternoon Day 50 will be waiting for you.  Just warning you now…the number I’ve got for Vegas is sequined-tastic and I promise to fully document the night with polaroids à la The Hangover for you to enjoy!!

Happy weekend!!